feelings and emotions p2

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McKenzie's prov

i found my self staring out the window of my best friends car. i couldn't help but think about Kyle he's just so handsome. the way he's dressed today is mouth drooling. he looks so perfect and his hair the way he spikes up his hair so just so sexy if im honest.

"earth to kenzie, hello"

"oh hey Jake sorry did i zone out again?" 

"yeh you did whats on your mind hun?"

i couldn't tell him the truth well not with the secret sitting in the back. "i'll tell you latter jake" and with that i just smiled and he nodded. to day was going to be tuff. i new that, i know that everyone is going to be asking questions and i think the question that is going to get on my nerves the most is 'are you ok' cause to be honest i don't know how to answer that. i don't really know if im ok mentally but physically im fine better than fine. i just need to stick to my plan.

i made a plan to get through today. im only going to talk small talk and if someone ask if im ok my reaction is to smile and say 'im ok thx for asking' hopefully it will work. we reached the school gates and i didn't know i was shaking nervously till Kyle came up and hugged me from behind. when he touched me it sent sparks of power and warmth up and through my body. the way he makes me feel when he touches me is unexplainable its just the most amazing feeling.

"your ok McKenzie im right by your side" he whispered into my ear soothingly how he makes me feel this way i don't know. i turned and smiled my best brightest smile ever. "thank you Kyle"

we walked through the school halls until we reached my locker. i took out the books i needed and placed the ones i didn't into the locker before closing it. Kyle escorted me to my first class which was biology. i said my good byes then walked into class

everyone was staring at me and i felt really embarrassed. as the second bell went i took my seat at the back right corner near the window as pure normal. when the teacher walked in i didn't dare make eye contact. after all i didn't want a big fuss, but i guess i thought wrong cause just then Julia walked straight into our class room and straight up to me.

"oh look who its. miss no it all, i see your out of hospital now huh"

"yeh now if you will please excuse me id like to get back to my work" the hole class was staring and i could see the teacher was as shocked as i was.

"no i want excuse you, you little bitch" and with that the next thing i new was that Julia had just hit me, i fell back on to the ground and hit my head really hard.

my head was throbbing and i could feel a pair of strong arms under me. i curled up into their shoulder not bothering to see who it was the only thing i new was that darkness was once again taking me under.

i woke up in my bed the curtains were closed blocking out the sun. im guessing to help me sleep. i sat up and instantly regrated it when pain was all i could feel coming from my head. i looke to my dresser and saw that a cup of water and a note have been placed their.

take this love it will help with the headache x 

i saw that a tablet was placed right next to the cup of water. so taking the tablet i put it in my mouth and washed it down with the cup of water. the taste was awful, so i got up and out of bed bring the cup with me i walked down stairs to the kitchen.

placing my cup in the sink i grabbed a peace of toast and sat on the couch. i decided to watch Riverdale since i haven't watched it in awhile.

Kyle's prov 

i could hear Julia yelling from inside kenzie's class room. curious as ever i looked trough the door to see Julia hit McKenzie. my insides burned up and i stormed through the door making a few other students jump and i herd a gulp from i think the teacher.

"what the hell Julia, why the f**k would you do that!" i picked McKenzie off the floor. she was out cold my insides dropped when i realised that she just came out of a coma and her head was still healing. i placed her on a chair and tried to get her to wake up.

"McKenzie come on wake up please. please wake up"

"shes not gonna wake up Kyle she deserves to be dead and so she will"

"Julia you are one cold hatred chick, don't you ever F**KING TOUCH MY SISTER AGAIN!"

i herd a gulp from julias mouth but i didn't care. picking up McKenzie once again bridal style i walked down the halls to the nurses office. students came out of their classes hearing what was said in the class room i had just entered from.

reaching the nurses office i placed McKenzie on a bed and told the nurse what happened. she was shocked and told me that McKenzie should be fine and to take her home make sure she gets some sleep. i did what i was told and got dad to pick us up. he had a worried expression on his features but i told him she was going to be ok.

i could feel McKenzie's breath on my hand as i stroked her hair out of her face. i placed her down in her bed and pulled the covers over her. leaving a not, cup of water and a panamax tablet i closed her blinds and let her sleep. i closed the door behind me and walked back to my room.

i scrolled through my messages to see that i had a message from Jake and jess. they were both scared and worried about McKenzie.

JAKE: is she ok? what happened? im gonna kill Julia

JESS: you cant kill her your a guy, but i can this bitch better run other wise shes gonna be losing more than just her baby

KYLE: calm down you two she's fine she just needs her rest and i don't think Julia will ever touch her again after what i said to her I'll talk to you guys soon bye

JESS: ok bye Kyle

JAKE: bye mate

i closed down my phone and placed it on my bedside table. i picked up my TV remote and scrolled through Netflix. i found a film about drug smugglers and decided to watch it.

i woke up to the sound of the tv going down stairs. turning off my own i walked down stairs to find kenzie watching what looked like to be Riverdale. of course.

i sat down opposite her and watched what she was watching. she looked so cute cuddled up into the side of the couch with her white blanket. all of a sudden she faced me and i could feel my checks glowing a bright red. s**t she caught me staring.

hey guys sorry i haven't edited it yet but hear it is chapter 8 hope you enjoy xx

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