forever and always

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Kyle's prov

The room was cold and the air was stail. my body was stiff like I had been lying hear for weeks on end.


bill looked up and met my gaze he had tears and bags under his eyes. he looked like he hadn't slept for days.

"hey son how are you feeling?"

"where am I?"

"your in the hospital you were in a car accident, don't try to move ill get the doctor"

with that dad left with out another word. hospital? car accident? what happened the last thing I remember was me and McKenzie laughing then a car came... OMG McKenzie!

"ok Mr  reed your injuries arnt as bad to what we would expect. you have two broken ribs and one broken wrist, your head injuries are not a worry just take it easy for the next couple of days"

"thank you doctor"

"dad where's McKenzie?"

"ugh....ummmmm.... Kyle McKenzie is in a coma"

my hart dropped, she cant be. no, no, no, this is all my fault.

"how bad is she?"

"Kyle its been two weeks since the accident, and umm....Kyle we have to prepare ourselves for the worst"

what. I cant lose her, we cant lose her. I just cant. this is all my fault if I had just been my stubborn self and not given her a ride she would be ok. f**k feelings.

McKenzie's prov

my body felt cold for the hundredth time, the snow was falling covering the town in a bed of white. mom had left to go food shopping so I was home alone. its been two months since the accident and I haven't spoken a word since. everyone is self pitting me and I hate it why cant they just stop?

there was a nock at the door. and as I opened it a tall brow haired man was revealed. he was waring black jeans with a white hoddie the a big coat to go with the outfit and im guessing to keep him dry. 

"hello is your mother home?"

"no not at the moment sir, can I help by any chance?"

"umm could you give this to her" he handed me a white slip of card I folded it and placed it in my back pocket where I new it would be safe.

"ok bye now" and with that the man in the hoddie and coat was gone. it took mom 35 minutes after that to get home and when she came through the door I handed her the slip of card the young man had given me the went up to my room to lay down. after about 20 minutes darkness took over me.

I could hear the sound of something beeping behind me. I didn't know what it was. I tried to move my arm but failed. so I just sat their like a broken twig. what's the last thing I remember?

I remember sitting in a car with jess she was driving me home from school. and when I got home I found that mama was on the phone she looked happy a bit to happy for my likening. I walked down stairs after giving her a wave and... and....that's all I remember.

I tried to open my eyes I failed at the first two attempts but at the third I was success full. I was blinded bye a white light as I tried to figure out where I was. as my vision came back to me I could see that I was placed in a white room with a bed that I was currently laying on. there was a machine behind me showing my hart rate. I'm guessing that's what the beeping was. and chairs seated along the far wall near the door. on one of the chairs I could see a man sitting down with his head to his chest. he looked awful and he had a cast on his right arm. then I could see two other figures in the corner of my eye. one of them had their head pressed against my arm. which explains why I couldn't move it.

"mom?" I tired to speak but the word only came out as a whisper. the humans head on my arm shot up and instantly I new that something bad has happened.

"McKenzie!" mama yelled, and the other to figures came closer to me and I could see their full features.

one of them had brown hair and a nice jaw line. he had blue eyes and an amzing hair line. he looked about 30 or 40. the second one had dreamy blue eyes and a very sexy jaw line with light brown hair to complete his features. he looked about my age if not older.

"omg your a wake, thank goodness darling"

"mom what are you on about where am I?" the question was answered bye the 30 or 40 year old.

"your in the hospital honey, you and Kyle were in a car accident".'

"who are you and who's Kyle?" I asked as curious as ever before in my life. all their faces turned a light shade of white. mom started to have tears in her eyes but held them back. but the other guy the one just observing started to have tears flow down his checks. why was he crying? I don't see him in a hospital bed. at that very minute a man in a white coat came into the room.

"ah miss lavato your a wake! that's excellent. now lets run some test shall we?"

with that the man in the white coat ran some test checked my eye sight and all that other crap. when he was done he wrote it down on his clip board.

"now miss lavato can you tell me what date it is and the year" 

"its April 29 and its 2017" the doctors face fell white but then showed no emotion at all.
"McKenzie what the last thing you remember"

"I remember sitting in a car with jess she was driving me home from school. and when I got home I found that mama was on the phone she looked happy a bit to happy for my likening. I walked down stairs after giving her a wave and... and....that's all I remember, why?"

"I see, McKenzie you have lost your memory but only a couple of days worth, so its not that bad your full memory should be back in a number of weeks. and just so you know its the 2 of june"

"what ive been out for months, what, how, what happened?"

"McKenzie you were in a car accident. you went straight into a tree, hear this is a photo taken from the crash sight" the doctor handed me a white piece of paper with colours printed on the front.

 you went straight into a tree, hear this is a photo taken from the crash sight" the doctor handed me a white piece of paper with colours printed on the front

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my hart sunk, I cant remember anything, I cant remember a Kyle or this other guy I've missed out on months of school, and now I might have to repeat a year.

"when can I go home?"

hey guys I hope your enjoying the book so far. so McKenzie has lost her memory and she doesn't remember Kyle. so does Kyle take this to advantage or not? that's the big question. keep reading to find out more. don't forget to vote, comment and share love you all and thanks for reading my book xox bella xoxo

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