feelings and emotions

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Kyle's prov

she's so cute and adorable. she doesn't deserve what happened to her. not in a million years. when she woke up i felt so relived i thought we would lose her and it would be all my fault. my hart sunk when she said she didn't know who i was and i saw the flash of pain that whipped across my fathers face.

i new this was tuff for him. my mom left us when i was ten years old. she was in an accident at work were some one had robbed the bank and hit my mother over the head with a hammer. after that she spent three months in hospital. when i visited with dad my hart broke into a million pieces  when she told me she couldn't remember me or dad. the doctor told us she had lost 12 years worth of memories and she might not get it back.

so when she got out of hospital she was acting different. she didn't know who i was or her husband so she left us told us she needed time. five years past and i finally herd from her she sent me a email saying that she did remember me and that she loved me but she couldn't come back because she would just feel horrible and lonely and other stuff. she told me that she met someone and that they had two little girls. i haven't spoken to her since.

so for McKenzie not to remember hurt like hell. but im glade she is hear.

McKenzie feel a sleep so i went to my room closing the door behind me. when i reached my room i laid on my bed. i couldn't help but think about her shes just one in a million. the way she talks and walks is just so adorable. the way her eyebrow twitches when she is angrey or sad. the way she ficks her  hair she makes me want her more.

i could feel my eyes getting heavy. so i let darkness take me over.

she was standing at the kitchen bench in a tank top and shorts, that girl can make anything look good. i snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist pushing her against the counter. when i nibbled at her neck she let out a small moan. that made me satisfied so i continued to leave a trail of kisses all the way up to her sweet lips. i smashed my lips against hers. and a tingle of sensation and warmth made its way through me when she kissed me back.

i picked her up and placed her carefully on the counter not daring to break the kiss. we stayed like that for a couple of minutes until she pulled away. we were both panting now, i then found my self slipping my hands under her tank top. she had the most softest skin ever i could cuddle her all day. she then pushed hard against my chest, i didn't move just looked at her with an confused expression.

"get off of me Kyle, we cant do this" she said my hart sunk. first she kisses me then she tells me to get off of her im so confused.

"why not McKenzie , i know you want to" i felt bad for saying that but it was true why else would she kiss me back. i placed my hands between her thighs and started to stroke up and down. she gasp for breath and i new that she wanted me.

i started to leave a trail of kisses along her collar bone she let out a small moan but i stop when she said... "your my stepbrother for gods sake" i pulled away from her and walked out of the kitchen before she could notice. that really hurt. but i wont give up.

i woke up with a small smile on my face. wow what a dream. i got up out of bed and smiled once again when i herd her alarm going off. i missed not waking up to her bright smile. i stepped into my bathroom and ran the hot water. stepping under i let the water remove any things like dirt. i than  picked up a white shirt chucked on my black tie with a light grey jacket and black pants with my convers. i than placed my school coat on over my jacket and walked to my mirror i looked smoking.

 i than placed my school coat on over my jacket and walked to my mirror i looked smoking

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kyles outfit ^

i spiked up my hair than left my room with my backpack on my back and my phone in hand. i shut the door behind me than walked down the stairs to the kitchen. as i entered i found a note on the bench saying that dad and kacy have both gone to work and they will see us later. i smiled at the note then chucked it in the bin. i walked over to the toaster and made some toast. ten minutes later kenzie entered the kitchen in her school shirt and skirt. her hair was curled and she looked perfect. i couldn't help but stare at her, she was amazing.

she greeted me with a friendly good morning then stopped in her path as she just saw me. her checks turned a shade of red.

"are you ok McKenzie?"

"yeh just peachy that's all"

i didn't really believe her because i new she was blushing, which was so adorable. i need to find a way to tell her hoe i feel. just then the memories of last night rushed trough my head and i couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Kyle is having the same dreams as McKenzie could this mean something and will Kyle tell her how he really feels. keep reading to find out.

don't forget to vote and comment! lots of love bella xx

whats your favourite sport?

                                                mines rugby xx

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