birthday surprise

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McKenzie prov

me and kyle did end up watching a movie but I fell asleep half way through. I don't think he mined because shortly after I found him asleep two.  we spent the hole after noon together talk about random stuff.

"I recon burger king is better by far"

"nope defiantly McDonalds"

"hell no, you know your just like jess and Jake they love McDonalds to" 

"ahaha they have style"

"shut up"

we sat their while scrolling through Netflix to find a movie to watch. I couldn't help but notice the way he was sitting . he was so adorable. the way he blushes when I talk to him. and the way he makes me feel.

"can I give you a ride to school tomorrow McKenzie?'

"umm in the morning moms dropping me off cause she does so every year on my birthday but you can after school give me a lift home if you want?" 

"ok cool are you excited for your birthday?"

"yeh I guess I really wanted my dad to be hear but you cant always get what you want"

"im sorry McKenzie I didn..."

"its fine don't worry shall we watch the movie?"

"yeh lets do it"

I pressed play on the movie and went and sat next to Kyle. half way through tho I got really sleepy so I rested my head on his lap. he played with my hair as I lay their and I fell a sleep with out any worries for tomorrow.

I got up and head for my shower. after about 45 minutes I went down stairs were I found everyone at the dinning table talking.

"good morning guys"

"good morning princess how are you" mom gave me a kiss on my head as I took the seat next to her. we all began to eat the yummy breakfast that bill had prepared for this special occasion. at 8 o'clock mom drove me to school

"honey have a good day ok and when you get home we have a surprise for you ok?"

"thx mom have a good day as well"

I gave her a small hug and greeted my friends as I hoped out of the car. today was my 18th birthday. and I was spending it with my family and friends aka Jake and Jess. they were coming around for dinner and might stay the night as well.

I didn't want my birthday to be a big deal cause I wasn't up to it. who wants to celebrate their birthday when their dad is dead and you cant remember the last month really. its been about a month and a half since the car accident and I still cant remember any thing. not one thing.

my family and friends have tried to fill me in on what I cant remember but when they do I feel lost. I don't think i'll ever get my memories back. and I know the doctor said it takes time and im a very impatient girl but with this I cant stay patient any more it slowly killing me. I feel like ive missed out on something.

"HAPPY 18TH MCKENZIE!" everyone said as loud as they could. I got a few nasty stares from fellow students when they said this. I told them not to do this but who listens to me.

"thx guys"

we all went to our first class which for my luck was math's at least I had jake and jess. as we took our seats I couldn't help but notice something was missing. but what?. I spent the hole day wondering what its was but when I walked out side the school gates towards Kyle's car it hit me.

Kyle. I haven't seen him all day. which is why I noticed it in maths because we have math and English together.

"hey birthday girl, how have you been?"

"good, where were you today?"

"oh I was in the city with dad, he still their and wont be home till later, I left because I promised to give you a ride home today. oh and dad sends his apologies for being late".

"its fine so shall we go?"

we hopped in the car and drove off. I couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. every thing around we sort of spun. I looked out the window for comfort but that just made it worst. all of a sudden a flash of light whipped across my mind. 

I could see us, me and kyle.  

hey guys comment what you think will happen next xx

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