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No One's Prov

the family of five sat alone at the dinner table for the first time with out their baby girl and sister. instead of five they could become four.

McKenzie was still in the hospital. it had been about a week since her disaster. no one at home or school spoke about it. they were all too scared that they could lose her. the children of canning high school prepared a little memorial on the beach one of her favourite spots to hang out.

out side her school locker flowers, cards and little things were placed to remember her. at a time like this every one needed each other, they need to be their for each other.

kyle hasn't been to school or even out of the house in days. he's locked him self in his room and only appeared  to take a shower. no ones barley seen him. kacy spends most of her nights at the hospital not wanting to leave her baby girl alone. she's come hone to change and eat something but then she goes back to the hospital when she can. she's hardly spoken a word to any one.

bill stays home with the boys once or twice a week but then he has to go back to work cause he needs to make a living. he's worried about everyone. and doesn't know what to say when the family is together eating a meal. nick attends to make small talk but it never lasts. hes been going to the hospital once to about three times a week to check up on things.

McKenzie woke up todays after the incident but is now going under treatment. her skin is pale and scratchy she hardly is a wake all ways sleeping. she try's her hardest, everyday is a massive fight for life. but she worries that's its not enough. she tends not to think about her condition and is always smiling, trying to make every one at least smile. she has a great senses of humour and use this to her advantage.

McKenzie is in a program with others suffering similar situations. she tends to tell them that its all right and that they will all get through it together.  and when their down she makes them laugh. every one enjoys the company of her and they all love speaking to her.

McKenzie did get all her memory back, and that's why kyle hasn't been to see her he's scared that she will hate him. McKenzie seem to ask for him a lot and nick tries his hardest to get him to come but is all ways let down.

the days go bye and McKenzie is left to fight for her life will she make it and in time for prom?

McKenzie's prov

the days i spend with the group of other suffers gets me really happy. their an amazing group, and none of them deserve this. over the last week i tend to see most of them with great big smiles on their face. which makes me smile.

when we see each other we all tend to share how were going and small life stories from our lives. their is one girl, her names Amy and she is really sweet and kind, she is older than me i think she's 21. when i see her i always tend to talk to her in privet. she's had leukemia before and hers has come back. she told me about her life and how her family has been a great help. she has a boyfriend i think his names mark. I've met him once or twice and he's really kind sweet and loving, also hes pretty cute. when i see him i tend to think about Kyle and nick. me and nick have grown closer over the last weeks and I'm starting to see his other side. the warm loving part of him. i cant help but have a little bit of feelings for him.

everyday he comes by now and when mom cant stay with me he does. he told me more about his life and how he grew up. he told me that the day kyle kicked him out broke his hart and he wants nothing more than to fix his relationship with his brother.

"how are you feeling gorgeous "

"great now your hear" i say a little blush creeps up to my check and i give him a nice big cheesy smile. he smiled back and my checks grew redder. i patted the spot next to me on the bed for him to come sit.

"how was the group today?"

"umm it was ok, well actually not that great"

he looked at me with eyes of horror. hes come to some of the group meeting and actually fits in really well. the group loves him and they ask me every day when hes gonna come next.

"why what happened?"

"remember amber the short red haired girl?"

amber was a six teen year old girl. she was diagnosed with cance about four months ago. i really loved talking to her she had great stories to share too.

"yeh what about her McKenzie?"

"well nick we lost her she pasted away last night"

i couldn't help the tears fall down my checks nick gave me a great big hug and laid me down so i was resting on his chest. i could feel his hart beat and steady breathing which gave me comfort on days like this.

"I'm very sorry McKenzie i know how close you were to her".

im very close to everyone in the group their like my second family. so when we got the news about amber we all stayed in each others company. i felt sorry for her family. i know she had two younger brothers who loved her very much. and her parents were very nice people they don't deserve this and neither did amber.

 and her parents were very nice people they don't deserve this and neither did amber

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amber ^ 16 years old

the group through a little memorial for her and a lot of people attended even her family. i spoke to them like i have on rare occasions i told them how sorry i was and they told me don't be. they said they just want to help other people like amber and me get through this. ambers family donated money to a charity which they called 'helping amber' we have raised a lot of money for it so far people are very generous. the money is going towards cancer patients and equipment to support them. hopefully we can save other lives.

"R.I.P amber you will be remembered" everyone clapped and cheered. and tears and hugs were seen all across the room. amber will forever remain in our harts.

hey guys so tell me what you think. and should McKenzie and nick get together or McKenzie and kyle. vote and comment and if you have an idea for couple names please comment!!

till next time love Bella xx

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