over and over again!

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heyyy guys so this is a sneak peak to what goes down in the next book. I know I haven't posted in days ive just been really busy and all. I hope your all having a good holiday and merry Christmas. the squeal to this book will hopefully be up today its called over and over again so please check it out I hope you enjoy and I hope to see you guys in my next book.


we were all sitting on the couch together. jess was on jakes lap and kyle was next to bill who was next to mom. they all had wide grins on their faces. kinda scary if you ask me. I came and sat next to nick taking his hand in mine. looking back to my family my face went pale. sh*t they didn't know.

"care to explain?" my mother asked. I looked over at nick and his face was pale but then his normal features returned.

"ahhhhhh... well uhh..."

"I asked McKenzie to be my girlfriend"

we all looked to nick and he had this confident grin on his face that made me smile. everyone fell silent, not a sing sound was herd from any one. you could defiantly hear a pin drop if it did.

"you did what nick?"

the question came from jess who was now seated next to my mom. she seemed to be holding my mothers hand. wow I didn't know my family as well as I think I did.

"I asked McKenzie lavato to be my girlfriend and she said yes"

"is this true honey" I looked towards jake who was standing now. he looked pissed they all did. I took a deep breath in and smiled when I said...

"yes, yes it is true"

I herd a gasp coming from my mothers direction. everyone once again fell silent. I sware they could all hear my thoughts because no ones gaze lifted from me.

"why?" bill asked.

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