twos a ball threes a party

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"Kyle!" I yell in front of everybody.

"McKenzie what the hell are you doing hear?" Kyle asks with a slight smirk on his face.

"I do live hear you know and I would say the same, but it looks like I already know "I say glaring at my mother then bill then my mother again.

"who wants dinner? "my mother asks. we all nod our heads heading to the table.

"so Jake what brings you hear ?" I ask as we eat our food. I'm seated next to Jake while my mother and Kyle are opposite me and Jake and Kyle is sitting at the edge of the table next to me.

"I wanted to see my little sister and I'm staying at Kyle's tonight "he states.

I look over at Kyle then back to Jake and smile my sweetest smile. knowing Jake he new I was up to something cause the glair  in his eyes told me so.

I herd a cough from bill's direction. watching as he stands up and walks over to my mom, my eyes widen as bill gets down on one knee with a red box in his hand. in a matter of seconds the lid was opened reviling a silver ring with a hart shaped diamond.

"kacy we have known each other for a while now, and I slowly have fallen in love with you, so I hoping that you kacy lovato will you marry me?"

"yess!"my mother yells

my hart sinks. this guy is going to become my stepfather and Kyle will be my stepbrother. my eyes start to water and I try to hold back the tears but fail as they slip down my face.

"kenzie you ok?"I hear Jake ask. all eyes are on me now as I let my tears slide down my face once more.

"no not really "I say getting up

"please excuse me" was the last thing I said before I walked up to my room. what on earth is going on how can my mother do this to me. I lay on my bed crying into my pillows. then I hear a nock at the door saying come in I  face into my pillows even more.

"McKenzie its Jake, can we talk" nodding my head I sit up straight giving Jake my full attention. he comes and sits on my bed rapping me in his strong arms. letting him bring me down to rest my head I cry on his shoulder.

"McKenzie I know this is hard, but you need to know that your mom is happy I've never seen her this happy before kenzie not since your dad died. all I'm asking is that you give bill a try and if you don't like them together you can come live with me". 

I nod my head and stop the tears from falling.

"ok Jake ill try but no promises" I laughed. I could feel him chuckling under me and with that darkness took me under.

I woke up alone in my room looking at the time I see that its 10am on a Saturday. I groan getting out of bed. and head towards the shower. I can hear the shower running and clatter coming from the kitchen curious I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"good morning McKenzie" bill greeted me.

"morning bill" I sit down at the breakfast bar and start to eat the pancakes bill had placed in front of me.

"morning you two" my mothers greats us both with a kiss.

"morning mama, can we talk?"i ask my mther nods her head and sits down next to me.

"ill go and wake the boys since we got a big day moving boxes, also to give you privacy" bill says but I stop him after he takes two steps.

"actually bill I want to talk to you both" mom and bill look at each other but then give me their full attention.

falling for my stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now