all falls down

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"how on earth did you know my dress was going to be red?"

"well McKenzie I saw you in the dress shop with an amazing red dress on and that's when I instantly new that was your dress. and jess may of menschend something".

I gave a little laugh shaking my head. that's probably why jess didn't come straight after me in the shopping centre. what a friend.

it got a little boring in the car so I turned on the radio, sorry not sorry by demi lavato was playing so I decided to sing along.

my mind was spinning. and I couldn't help but think the air wasn't their any more. I started to gasp for air. then my vision was blacked out as another vision from that dad whipped across my mind.

I had to stop for a minute and look over at Kyle who was laughing in his seat.

"what are you doing kenzie"

"what does it look like Kyle I'm singing something you should learn"

the next thing I new Kyle was singing along to sorry not sorry and I couldn't help but smile and note the fact that he can sing really, really well.

Now, payback is a bad bitch

And baby, I'm the baddest

You fuckin' with a savage

"McKenzie, McKenzie are you ok, McKenzie..."

my vision went dark and the air stoped all around me. I remember was my last thought as I fully blacked out.

Kyle's prov

I pulled up to the lights and gave a quick glace at McKenzie. her face was white. and her eyes were darting about like she didn't know where she was.

"McKenzie, McKenzie are you ok, McKenzie look at me"

her eyes fully closed and I tried to shake her a wake, but failed. hopping out of my seat I opened my car door and ran to her side. the cars were beeping their horns at me, but I didn't care McKenzie needed me.

when I reached her side I opened her door and tried to wake her again. when she didn't I checked her breathing.

"god McKenzie wake up!"

I yelled. she was hardly breathing. unbuckling her seatbelt I picked her up and placed her on the floor hoping the fresh air could help. please wake up McKenzie, please I cant lose you. the cars beeped their horns at me. god.

"hey is she ok what's happened?"

"please help me, please. I cant lose her shes to important please".

pleading I looked up to see a young man about in his twenty's running towards us.

"who is she and is she breathing?"

"she's my sister and barley"

I say looking back to her. he places one ear to her chest and checked her hart beat. my face dropped when his turned white.

"someone call an ambulance I cant hear her hart and I cant find a pulse!"

people who had gathered whipped out their phones and dialled I'm guessing 911. tears started to fall down my face. I watched as the man prepared to do CPR.  and cried harder when he checked for her pulse. come on kenzie wake up please wake up.

I could hear the sirens of an ambulance and people stated to make clear as it pulled up right beside me and this young man. the paramedics jump out with their bags of equipment and went straight to McKenzie.

the yung man told the paramedic about her state as the other one continued with CPR. a yung women in green uniform came to me with a blanket which she rapped around me. "are you her brother?"

"yeh" i say almost a whisper.

"ok son follow me so I can give you a check up"

"I don't need a check up ok my sister is lying dead on the floor and you want to give me a check up?"

I let the tears slip as I hear one of the paramedics yell out  no pulse. I don't care how bad I talk to this women my sister is dyeing.  just then a pair of arms rap around me as my legs give out. my eyes slip shut and darkness takes over me.

sorry for the short chapters their is going to be longer ones that this promise. what do you think will happen do you think McKenzie will make it or do you think Kyle will lose her forever. comment what you think xx oh and quick warning I never said that this book would have a happy ending, but keep reading please because it might

lots of love Bella xx

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