the new guy

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Kyle's prov

I couldn't believe my eye when I saw what was standing right in front of me...

"hello brother"


"long time no see huh"

"not long enough"

"naw now don't be like that we both know  that what happened was totally your fault so lets move on"

"it wasn't my fault and we both defiantly know that, now what are you doing hear?" I say with gritted teeth. I haven't see my brother since my mom left. he is older than me he's 22 and he's one of the reasons why my mom left. the last time I spoke to him was when I kicked him out and told him not to come back, and now hear he is in the flesh.

"oh we both know why I'm hear but lets summer it up into one little word 'kacy'" 

my hart sunk, I new he didn't like our farther and he wanted to make his life a living hell. and now he's going to destroy him bye doing something to kacy.

"you stay away from her nick she done nothing wrong but love our dad something you never and never will do".

"ahhh im not going to touch kacy just make dads life a living hell..."

"I told you not to come back"..."

I herd the front door open and I new nick herd it to. because next thing I new he was making his way to the front door.

McKenzie's prov

I opened the front door to find out what the yelling was about, but as soon as I entered I was stopped in my tracks when I came face to face with a guy who looked like he was in his twenty's. he had dark brown hair and a perfect jaw line. he had brown eyes and he looked stunning I couldn't help my self but stare at him.

                                                                               Nick reed^

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                                                                               Nick reed^

 "hi you must be... McKenzie"

"yeh I am who are you, not meaning to sound rude?"

"oh I'm Nick, Nick Reed"

my mouth dropped open. did he just say Reed as in bill Reed and Kyle Reed. I felt a little dizzy. this cant be I don't have another brother, I cant. what on earth and Oreos is going on.


"yes that would be my farther"

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder I turned around to see that Jake was still behind me. I had forgotten all about him.

"I'm gonna leave you hear kenzie cause I can see you got a couple of things to sort out" I nod my head in agreement and give him a big hug. "I love you Jake" "I love you 2 kenzie" and with that he was gone. I turned back to nick and walked into the living room closing the door behind me.

I found Kyle sitting on the couch with a small smirk on his face. he was texting on his phone.

"well boys care to explain how bill and my mother left a small detail out when they told me they were getting married and bye that small detail I mean Nick".

 I was looking  at Kyle when I said this and he just looked up and shrugged. I then turned my attention to the guy who wouldn't stop staring at me. he shrugged as well that pricked my nerves.

"for good sake someone explain what the hell is going on!"  

it went silent for a minute then Kyle finally spoke up.

"no one munched Nick because we thought we would never see him again. I haven't seen nick since my mother left. nick went with mom because she thought that she actually new him. and I had kicked him out of the house when he got into a fight with bill. we thought we could pretend that he didn't easiest even tho that sounds really mean but its the truth, im really sorry McKenzie"

"I get that your sorry ok I'll forgive you just don't ever lie to me again" 

Kyle nodded his head in agreement and I found my self smiling at him. it was actually nice to be home again I still miss mom but it was like a Wight was lifted off my shoulder.

"so McKenzie tell me about your self"

I turned to face nick who was casually sitting next to me. the way he talked made me feel safe but in my head my mind was telling me that he was danger. although something drew me too him.

"well nick there's not that much to know apart from im 17 I turn 18 in three days, im in my last year of school and I love Oreos their like my life"

"well want to know something"


"I love Oreos two" 

my eyes widen and I could feel a smile appealing on my face. he may seem like danger but theirs defiantly something about him.

"so nick can I know other things about you, like what do..."

Nick's prov

the way my brother looked at her told me he had feelings for her which was great in my defence I was gonna make him pay for what he did to me. I found my self talking to Kyle's 'girl'. she was actually really sweet and she defiantly was pretty she was gorgeous.

she had the sweetest smile. and the way her eyebrow twitched when she was angry was so  adorable I have to admit. I cant believe I would be staying in the same house as this girl.

I've been in contact with dad for a while now I even went to lunch with him and his new wife kacy, they told me about McKenzie, she sound like a normal girl but in person she was something else. dad said I could come live with him if I wanted he told me to come round when ever I wanted so hear I was. I new Kyle was still angry which is perfect for what I may have planned the only problem is that throws a spanner in the works is....


hey guys so theirs a new guy in the picture. which is McKenzie's new brother, but what is her new brother planning and does he also have feelings for McKenzie?  I hope you enjoy xx Bella xxx

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