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         Told by TheNameisNoA

It was a fine afternoon at two thirty five P.M ...

I work at a private school, where it is well known by students and staffs, that ghosts and other unworldly entities loom and wander around the campus.

They say that these entities are nice when you leave them alone, but some are just too curious for most people's taste, and it will be an experience if they have an interest in you.

The community surrounding the school has had some experience with the other world as they say it, but that's another story. For me it's too fishy for my taste and I don't literally believe in this, or other entities.

They say 'don't say such a thing' , because they might hear you and show themselves to you. I can't help but be skeptic.

... I was working on that fine afternoon for the upcoming opening of classes. The campus was pretty much deserted, only the three admin staff remained in the office including me. When something I can't explain poked my back. I looked around, there was nothing there. I said to myself that maybe it's just my head messing around, because I had been working for quite a while and I needed to take a break.

I walked around the campus and stumbled across an empty room that was undergoing construction. It was pretty dark except for a light over the window. That's where I experienced them. First hand.

I was about to reach for the light switch when the feeling of being dragged underwater overtook me, and my vision was pulled like a zoomed out camera. It's was like the feeling of being in a 360 in virtual reality. A voice whispered as clear as the campus bell in my ear, "aaaaaaahhhhhhh" .

I fall back on my butt, dumbfounded and staring at where I had been standing before. I scrambled to my feet immediately. I told my co-workers about my experience and they said.

"We told you before, say "Excuse" before you enter a room because we aren't the only ones using this campus."

"You went through a ghost my boy, luckily they didn't do something to you."

Until now, I still experience some of them but I kept it to myself. They really do exist.

 They really do exist

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Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 2Where stories live. Discover now