The Perfect Gift

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Told by A_simple_Youtuber

When I was 4 or 5 years old, I was gifted a toy which was basically an animatronic cat that took the large D batteries. It was big, with white long fur and was posed lying on the belly and looking at her left. Even though it was seemingly the perfect gift, for some reason, I didn't like it. I would touch it to feel the fabric but instead, I would feel the plastic skeleton underneath, with the neck making these creepy creaking sounds whenever I tried to turn it. I remember the mouth was movable and the nose was pink. The long tail had fur that flowed in different directions.

And yet, I don't remember its eyes. I don't know if I ever looked at its eyes but nonetheless. I ended up having the toy for years. I still didn't like it so I had it on top of the bookcase in my room, a white fluffy thing that gathered dust.

When it started, it wasn't as frequent at first. I would open the lights or close them and sometimes, I would hear the cat mew. I didn't think much of it because I had bigger issues than a toy with dying batteries. As the months passed, it became more frequent, and I ended up hearing this every time I flipped the switch or even crossed the door.

I got my dad to bring this toy down since he was too annoyed by me talking about it and the cat itself. We wanted to remove the batteries.

We found out it didn't have any batteries and yet it had been meowing.

I think I kind of freaked out. I was quiet and my dad never said anything. I probably I had it after that for 2 more years but I don't remember if anything else happened. I do remember that one day I just decided to tear it apart and throw it out.

I still don't remember its eyes and to be honest, I don't think I want to.

I still don't remember its eyes and to be honest, I don't think I want to

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