Little Girl

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Told by ShyGirlLovesMusic

This was during a sleep paralysis when I was about 11. I had woken up in the middle of the night, feeling stiff.

I was surprisingly sleeping on my back, what I rarely do, due to... past experiences. Every time I sleep on my back, there's a high chance I'll go through sleep paralysis, and this one seemed like the most realistic.

But I was able to move my head from side to side and move from my wrist and below. I started scratching on my bed sheets until I looked beside my bed.

There, I saw a little pale girl, around the age of 7-ish, and she's just standing there. Staring at me. I was motionless. Probably paralyzed by fear or the fact the only thing I could move was my head. Which I violently shook. The little blonde girl still stood there, staring at me with innocent blue eyes. Her entire forehead and white dress was covered in crimson blood.

I curled into a ball, reaching my hands and trying to pry my eyes open. It was a stupid move since for some reason, I was able to see the girl but I felt my eyelids above my eyes. While prying my eyes open, I was thinking, Why don't I just splash the water beside my dresser on my face?

As soon as I pried my eyes open, I got out of my ball and looked up beside my bed where the little girl was. Nothing. I thought I had just imagined everything but I would never have that much amount of energy to pry my eyelids away in the middle of the night. Maybe it was one of those really realistic dreams, I thought to myself before I was about to close my eyes and fall back to sleep.

I think I did go back to sleep because I woke up not long after that incident. It seemed like a couple of seconds at least. I kept on thinking I just had one of those really realistic dreams until my eyes began to hurt and my bedsheet looked like it had been scratched on.

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