Stalker in the Night

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Told by Shanester315

A couple of weeks ago, I was staying at my friends house with two other girls named M, D and J. It was the second night and J had gone to the toilet while M, D and I stayed in the tent talking with the TV off (yes a TV in a tent). There was this moth tapping against the tent as we had a light on and M got sick of it and threw a thong at it saying, "Fuck off you stupid moth."

The moth obeyed for two seconds before it got really scary. The tapping started again but this time, it was like a person tapping on the outside of the tent. We all sat frozen having no idea what to do.

J came back and we told her what happened. We all agreed to pack up and go into the house with M's parents. We were so creeped out by then. Especially me as I am the wimpiest. We walked to the house feeling like we were being followed. I had the heebeegeebees. We were almost at the door. When I felt myself being flung at M and someone running on the grass.I spun around with wide eyes and saw nothing. M looked at me funny and asked what was wrong. I was so creeped out that my skin kept crawling as I rushed to the door whilst the others followed half calmly.

We went inside and M told her parents about what happened. I told everyone I heard someone running after us. Everyone was creeped out. Even M's dad was too scared to get something from the tent. We went into a room and M's parents told us to sit down, watch TV and turn the lights off to keep the moths away. It took M, J and D ages to convince me to turn them off. We kept looking out the door which was kind of dumb. M sent her imaginary friend Elishana out to check everything was alright. While my imaginary friend Christopher sat on me to try make me smile. He was heavy though.

We had calmed down a lot now and that was it. For now. We slept in the lounge room so we were close to M's parents room and we had the TV. M fell asleep and went to her room while I slept in a bed with D and J slept on the couch. M's kittens kept attacking us.

The next morning I was the first to wake up. Eventually, J woke up and we started talking about last night. Apparently, before J had got to the tent, she heard footsteps after her. That made me shiver. After a while, I figured out that last night Christopher had flung me away from the thing that was running in the darkness. M woke up and J and I explained everything to her and eventually. we also told D.

After that we had a pretty good day until we sat down in the tent. We were talking when the zip started to undo. So we decided to make a Ouija board out of cards. That went well since it got scary with things banging on the outside of the tent. And we could see figures.

We ran outside the tent and stayed outside. I connected with Christopher and saw two black figures with white eyes in the tent. That gave me an idea. We had forgotten to say goodbye.So we went back to the tent and got the cards and said goodbye, then we ran out of the tent and left it. We were pretty relaxed after that and we decided to go back to the table in front of the tent and drink some Solo.

Then I heard breathing inside the tent and shuffling around.

After two minutes, I got my friends to listen and we all ran from the tent. We figured out we got rid of the two demons that came through the Ouija board but not the one that tapped on the tent last night. We were creeped out once again and stayed out of the tent until J and D had to go home.

This experience was terrifying for me and my friends and I agreed that if we had the TV on and we didn't hear that tapping, it could've been much worse.

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