Experiences Wanted!

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This is a non-fiction book.

We are looking for real, first-hand experiences.

We ask that you do not submit fictional stories, as they will not be published.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Send us an email!

1) Address your submission to paranormalsupernaturalwp@gmail.com

2) Use the subject line "Paranormal Experiences". This is important or we might not see it!

3) In the main email body, tell us your Wattpad username and give your story an interesting title. If you wish to remain anonymous, let us know.

4) Lastly, attach your submission via email attachments (.docx, .doc, .rtf,.odt), or link us to the relevant Google Doc, or copy and paste the story in the main email body.

Please do not post your submission in the comments.


I haven't been writing for very long, can I still submit?
Yes, while we may not expect perfection, we do ask that you send us your best efforts, regardless of writing skill.

Can I submit a story if English is not my first language?
Yes, but stories must be written in English. If English is not your first language you are still encouraged to share your work with us.

Why did Paranormal remove my name/location?
We maintain that works do not include any personal or sensitive information, mature themes or particularly upsetting content. Paranormal reserves the right to change or omit these at their discretion, without notification.

I got carried away and wrote 3,000 words! Will you still publish it?
Yes, there is no upper word limit, but we do look for a minimum of around 200 words.

I have loads of stories to tell you, do I just have to pick one?
No. You may send us more than one submission, though features will be staggered - i.e., your subsequent stories will be uploaded weeks to months after the first.

I'd rather not/am unable to send in my submission via email, what do I do?
Direct a PM via inbox and we'll arrange another method.

I don't know what to choose as my title!
If you're unable to commit to a chosen title, can't come up with one or decide on something vague, don't panic! The editor will help you out if you offer him cake. (Red Velvet is best.)

Lastly, send us a PM if you have any further questions!

Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 2Where stories live. Discover now