Mommy Told Me

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Told by YoNeverlxnd

I was only about five or six years old when this paranormal incident occurred and I still remember this as if it had been a day ago. 

My mother had tucked me into bed and I fell asleep a few minutes after. I had slept so soundly until about 11:00. I'm not sure why I had woken up. It could have been the noise from my parents' TV. I thought it was odd that they were still awake. My parents aren't the type to stay up later than 10:30. I looked over at the wall which my bed was push against and what I saw made my heart stop. 

It was my mother but it wasn't really her. It was only her head and it was in 2D. It started looking around my room. I went to the edge of the bed, trying to get away from it and scared that it would pop out of the wall. It looked around the room and then at me. I'm unsure why I wasn't super afraid of it. I suppose I really thought it was my mother. 

I looked at her and said, "Mommy, hold me." 

I'm not sure why I had uttered this. She looked around my room again, then back at me.

I can't remember what she had said to me. If I am recalling correctly, I believe that it was where she was going or what she was doing. She started to fade away. Afraid that my mother was leaving, I called out, "Mommy, come back! Come back, Mommy! Come back!" 

Once the head was gone, my real mother and father ran into the room, making sure I was okay. I tried to explain to them what happened but they only tucked me back into bed and left again.

It is now years later, and anytime I bring this memory up, they tell me that they don't remember it. Some may say that it was a dream but as with most strange experiences, anyone in my family who was either with me or was there at the moment, does not recall it. My mother might not believe me, but I'm sure the other one does.

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