⭐[NEW] Night Uninhibited

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Told by Amaboo

This was over ten years ago, when me and my boyfriend at the time were in our early twenties and in college in a small town in Mississippi. We had only been dating for a few months. We had passed the "I love you" stage. He said "I love you" first. We couldn't find any place to go that we wouldn't get harassed by local police for being an interracial couple. So to keep from further harassment, I suggested we go to the cemetery. I knew no one would ever bother us there. And I was right. The cemetery was way out in the country, deep in the middle of nowhere. No, we weren't afraid. We both liked scary things and loved horror movies. We felt right at home. And it was quiet and cozy as we sat in his old beat up Chevy. It was a cool night. 

He broke the comforting silence while snuggling and said, "I saw a UFO one night when I was out here by myself. Do you want to see it?"

I was thinking, Oh my God, I am out here in the middle of nowhere with a lunatic. Ok, don't panic. But weirdly I felt calm the whole time. 

He pointed toward the crooked trees in the moonlit sky. "There it is. Can you see it?"

I was squinting, trying to see what he saw through the driver side window.

Looking away, I said, "No, I don't see anything."

He insisted he saw it as he pointed at the spot. "It was right over there. Wait, it's not there. Maybe it's not there." 

He sounded worried or disappointed. Or maybe it was because he didn't get the chance to impress me or scare me. I don't know.

I looked around on the passenger side expecting to see a ghost, a shadow or something among the graves. It was spooky enough but a silent, eerie kind of spooky. I kept looking, hoping to see something happen at the cemetery than what he was attempting to show me. There was nothing. I think I was a little disappointed.

He pointed again and said, "There it is." 

I looked in the direction he was referring to. And there it was, a light. It was a bright white light that shot through the sky and changed color to a bright red. 

"It did that same thing before," he told me. "It changed colors."

I told him it's probably a plane or a military helicopter that's being tested.

He said to me, "I've lived in this town all my life and there have never been any military or airports around here or near this area."

I was totally stomped. I sat there in the car speechless, unable explain or comprehend what I just saw. To this day, still I can't. Maybe it was a UFO. 

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