The Closet

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Told by TheWalkingDead4Life

For as long as I can remember, my life has involved the unexplainable. Before I was born, my great-grandmother Mimi died. When I was a baby, my paternal grandmother Nan gave me a rag doll because I was constantly stealing hers.

It's been like that for the longest time. But I recall one distinct time when I was fourteen, just under a year after Brian walked out. That is the story I have to tell.

In those days, my mom let a friend and her daughter stay with us for a couple of months at our old house while they looked for a place to live. One weekend, I was in my room, which was at the end of our short hallway with our bathroom and the room my two sisters slept in. That particular day, I was sitting in my open doorway because why the hell not? I can be weird at times.

Anyway, I saw that the were watching a show later to become one of my favorites. It was called "A Haunting". They were watching a rerun of season 5, episode 6: "Nightmare Upstairs" along with my mom. I grew curious as I had never seen this show before, much less heard of it.

So, I watched it with them. Long story short, it scared me no end. But that night is where things took a turn.

At the time, I had my aging cat Princess living in my room with me full time. In the middle of the night, I woke up to see a weird yellow-white light, like a flashlight, blinking on the shirts hanging in my door-less closet. I went to the bathroom, and when I returned a few minutes later, Princess was still sound asleep on my bed and the light was still blinking. I went back in the bathroom and stayed there for a good twenty minutes or so, and when I came back once again, the light was gone and Princess was still sleeping. No light has been coming through either of my bedroom windows when the light was there, and I have not told anyone in my family about it.

Nan was an amazing woman. We all loved Nan. When I was five, I named my doll Emily.

Unfortunately, Nan died from a rare cancer when I was seven years old. I don't remember what it was exactly. But everyone was affected by it. She'd handed down to my mom a gold ring with a cluster of eight leaf-shaped garnets on it. It's all real gold and gems, and Nan had it custom-made. As far as we know, there's no other ring like it.

As far as spirits go, we have at least two humans, Nan and Mimi, as well as several animals. Mimi opens doors at night to check on us, while Nan hates dishes being strewn across the counter and will move them around to make room. She did that while alive, so I guess some habits never die even after you do, heh. They're family, so of course they aren't interested in hurting us. We have a feeling that Nan is either attached to us, or the garnet ring, so wherever we go, she'll go too.

My now ex-father however, refused to believe that our house was haunted. He thought we were crazy, or claimed that someone got out of bed at night to move dishes, that the AC blew the doors open.

But my mother once woke up after midnight and saw her doorknob turn and open, no one on the other side. The AC can't do that. Try to logic that, why don't you.

 Try to logic that, why don't you

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