The Playful Ghost

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Told by NightSilhouette

This story came from my mom and the events occurred when I was just a year old. We used to live in a big wooden house rumored to be haunted. The structures were built about a hundred years ago by the Spaniards when they stayed here in the Philippines. My family didn't put their minds to the rumors.

A couple of days after we moved in, everything was normal but a week later, it all started to get really creepy. When I was left alone in one of the rooms upstairs while my grandma and mom were cooking, they would hear me laughing and running around. You might say it was my imaginary friend but no, that wasn't the case. After a minute or two, I would  cry loudly and run downstairs to go to my mom. While they were holding me, they would notice I was shivering like something had scared the hell out of me. This continued every time I was left alone.

One night, while my mom and grandma were sleeping, they felt the bed, windows, furniture and other things shaking. It was like an earthquake. After a few seconds, the shaking stopped at once. They checked me but I was sleeping peacefully like nothing happened. The next morning,  they ask about the late owners of the house from a close neighbor who had lived there since he was born. He said that the late owners had died in the house and after some time,  some people claimed to have seen a figure standing in one of the windows in the wee hours of the night.  The story gave my mom chills so after hearing it all, we started packing and searching for a new home. She wanted to make sure I was safe and protected from any trauma.

After eight years had passed, the house was broken down. The new landlord didn't like it because of its haunted atmosphere.

My grandma knew all along it was haunted because she used to live there once before my mom met my dad. Apparently, she didn't tell us the truth because she didn't want us to panic but really, who knew why she hid it? 

 Apparently, she didn't tell us the truth because she didn't want us to panic but really, who knew why she hid it? 

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