The Upper Bunk

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Told by WanderingUniverse

I don't write about paranormal things nor do I want to be involved in anymore than I have had to but there's one that still haunts me to this day.

It all started when my family purchased a new set of bunk beds. I was thrilled and like any child, I called dibs on top bunk. Being 11, I didn't know about paranormal things but what I didn't know was that soon, I would.

A few weeks after I'd started sleeping on the top bunk, I would get terrible nightmares. I don't recall ever dreaming about anything good. I would wake up with bloodshot eyes. I would get overheated and vomit in the middle of the night because I was so scared that I hid under my covers.

I didn't feel safe sleeping up there. I refused to sleep if I didn't have a blanket that covered my entire body. The stuffed animals didn't help either.

One night, after winning a new stuffed dog from the carnival, I decided that I would try to get some good sleep. I set the dog on the foot of my bed and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up to get water. I sat up and was horrified to find the dog was sitting in the doorway and my door was wide open.

After around a year of sleeping on the bed, the nightmares suddenly became worse. I would wake up with lots of bruises and nasty spider bites. I had lumps on my head from sitting up in my sleep but no one seemed to notice. I felt that if I were sitting in the bed, there was a shield around me, holding me from escaping. My nightmares grew to only consist of clowns, ghosts and shadows.

There's one night I remember better than ever. I had woken up around 2:00 after a nightmare. I sat in silence, until I heard footsteps. I freaked out and went under my covers. Suddenly, I heard something fall off my bed and then a whisper. 

"Don't worry, keep sleeping," it said.

At this point, I was as pale as a cloud and later that night, my mom said that she could hear me breathing from downstairs. I finally gathered up the courage to run to my mom's room and wake her up. After leaving, the door slammed shut behind me. The morning after, I remembered that my sister had slept over at her friends house that night.

The next day, I switched rooms with my brother. I didn't care if I would lose the top bunk or if I didn't have an air conditioned room. I wanted to keep my sanity.

Since the day I moved into my new room, I haven't had a single nightmare. But even to this day, things will still fall without a purpose, and I will constantly hear whispers of go back to bed.

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