Shifting to a Haunted House

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Told by Noor_87Khan

My friend recently had a breakup. She was very depressed about the whole situation so she decided to get a new job in a different city. It was not long before she got an offer. She was quick to grab the opportunity and move out of Kolkata.

She got an apartment house provided by the company and she was finally happy after a long time. We used to talk a lot after she moved out. She told me about the place and how good she felt finally being single and free. I was very happy for her.

It was after one month or so that everything started to go downhill.

One day, we were talking on the phone and I could hear a thud, thud noise from somewhere. I asked her what it was. She told me it was something that bothered her too. This sound started at night. It came sometimes from the wall and sometimes from the ceiling and it continued throughout the night. She had even talked to neighbours in the building but they never heard anything as such.

"Might be rats," I told her.

"Yeah might be,"  she said. She didn't sound convinced.

Few days later, we were talking about her ex-boyfriend and how he has made a new girlfriend. She sighed with sadness and said, "Maybe I was wrong to leave Kolkata."

"Don't you say that! He was a jerk. You did the right thing by moving on!" I said angrily.

"No, it's not about him. It's this place. I don't like it here anymore. You know, I noticed my things get missing. I always keep my keys on the table by the door. Today, I found it on the bathroom floor. I am pretty sure I did not put it there."

"That's weird. It might be some animal. That can explain the noises too." I tried reasoning.

"I live in 7th floor. I don't think any kind of animal can climb so high." She sounded too irritated so I decided to change the subject.

Next few weeks were pretty usual. There was nothing out of the ordinary except the fact that my friend developed a back pain. She never had a back pain before so it was quite uneasy for her. On my insistence, she decided to see the doctor and the doctor prescribed her a few tests. However, the results did not show anything unusual.

One particular night, she came home and called me. We were talking about some stuff when in middle on the conversation, I heard her doorbell ring.

"Who's at your home right now?" I asked, spooked.

"I don't know." She sounded concerned.

"Check through the peephole," I said. There was some shuffling noise then I heard her panicked voice.


"Don't panic might be some kid."

She started to cry.

"hey don't cry."

"I am going insane." She sobbed.

We were startled when we heard loud banging noise. My friend started crying even harder now. She had completely panicked.

"I am calling the police so don't hang up," I said.

I called the police from another phone and they said they would be there in 30 minutes.
The banging stopped after 10 minutes. My friend kept on crying on the other end. She was truly terrified. 

The police arrived but they did not find anything there. The neighbours were questioned but they did not hear anything or saw anyone suspicious. The building security camera was checked but nothing was there too.

My friend was so traumatized that she left the job and the city without a second thought and moved in with her family.  


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