Elevator Boy

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Told by Di_Rossi

One day during my very first week at college, I pressed the button for the elevator in my dorm to go down to the dining hall. The doors slid open and I saw a little boy, about 9 years old, standing next to the button panel. 

"What floor?" he asked. 

"Ground floor, please," I said, stepping onto the elevator. 

How cute, a little kid playing in the elevator, I thought. 

The boy pressed the button marked G and the doors shut. We'd ridden silently half the way down when I happened to look down at the floor...and saw that he ended right under his knees. There were no lower legs or feet. Nothing. That part of him was simply not there, although the rest of him looked very solid. 

I didn't say anything. I just thought, HOLY CRAP I'M TRAPPED IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE WITH A SPECTRE. I told myself to calm down, panic is not how one deals with the supernatural, and spent the rest of the ride staring at the walls and door but still keeping him in sight. He didn't speak or turn around but he didn't remove his hand from the button panel either. 

When we reached the ground floor and the doors opened, I said to him before I left, "Thank you." 

I never looked back. And never used the elevator again the whole time I lived in that dorm!

Several months later, I saw the Elevator Boy again—in a painting. The college had an art collection they rotated through all the buildings and "Portrait of Clifford" was one of the traveling pieces. He looked exactly the same as I'd seen him in the elevator, including that fact that the portrait stopped just below the knees! Exactly like the "Clifford" in the elevator. 

Additionally, I found out during the course of that year that that elevator had constant problems such as, stopping for no reason between floors or opening on the wrong floor or simply resting with its doors open and refusing to budge. 

Today, I think whatever was in the elevator was not the ghost of little Clifford, but something else that was using the image....as the painting had probably been visible at one time from the elevator. The entity might just have taken a shine to it!

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