Between the Wardrobe and Window

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Told by GermanShepherdGirl11

It's exceptionally difficult to keep this to an appropriate word limit as the experiences in my childhood home were so varied in intensity and frequency it could last numerous chapters, everything from solid pine beds sliding feet across the floor on their own volition, to disembodied voices/laughs/whispers, footsteps running down the stairs, to loud knocks and bangs on doors when nobody was home.

My animals hated this house.

It always felt overbearing, with simply a 'dark' presence, my family and I just constantly felt 'unwelcome', like we were living in the fog a constantly pissed of, invisible person.

It actually got to the point where we were in agreement (using rationale) that a vagrant must be sneaking into the house while we were away, as when we returned, cupboards were open and draws rearranged. (Bare in mind this vagrant would have had to befriend a very large, protective dog who wanted to eat the mailman).

Nothing of value ever disappeared, but everything sentimental turned up in the strangest of places. Such as the case of my deceased relative's earnings, I looked for them for days, they were always kept safely in a draw, never touched by anyone bar myself, until one day they simply went missing... My mother ended up finding them in the basement underneath old horse rugs weeks later. 

You ever heard of the phrase 'you can cut the atmosphere with a knife'? That was this house.

And unfortunately, this feeling seemed centralized in my bedroom.

So I will explain one of the strangest, and most terrifying experiences that occurred in the twenty-something years I resided there.

I was approximately fourteen years of age, and had awoken sometime between midnight and 3 am, thirsty after copious amounts of ready salted chips. I always kept on a night light that illuminated my room, and the curtains open for the moonlight so when the bangs happened, I wasn't in the dark.

However, my eyes were immediately drawn to a corner of my bedroom where a wardrobe met the window, with 5-6 ft of space of wall between them.

And between the wardrobe and window, a hulking, pitch black shadow caught my attention, darker than my bedroom, darker than the night, and unmistakable, this was no trick of sleepy eyes or a lucid dream.

This 'mass' was huge, and easily stood above the wardrobe, nearly reaching the ceiling, it was solid, thick, blacker than black, think vantablack.

But this 'shadow' was undulating, like a mass of energy, rising and falling as if breathing, it was 'alive', and the air was physically thick, almost electric and suffocating, like the very oxygen was dwindling.

The terror I felt at that moment has never been surpassed, but the strangest thing, I swear this mass seemed intelligent, like it knew  I had seen it, and honestly, it was annoyed, as if I had disturbed it.

And like it wanted to scare me, it suddenly began to grow bigger, rapidly expanding taller and wider like it was charging me, arching over the ceiling and blocking the light from the window. But unlike a shadow, it didn't curve, it was crouching.

I have heard of shadow men but this thing was worse, huge, it felt genuinely nasty, simply a cloud of heavy, sentient darkness.

And I can honestly say it really disliked me. You just know.

I quickly pulled the covers over my head, terrified and confused, but strangest of all, I fell back asleep quickly, my body felt exhausted, like a drained battery, it was impossible to stay awake even with what I saw, like it had sucked the life out of me to manifest itself. That following morning was the only time I stayed in bed until late afternoon.

I honestly wish this wasn't true. It would have saved me many a sleepless night.

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