Freaky Night

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Told by Anyonymous

I had a friend in high school who used to tell me that 99% of the things that happen on earth are controlled by the spiritual realm. It sounded so funny and hard to believe. I used to laugh and doubt her in my mind but would just shrug in reality. I kept on asking myself what the spirits had to do with humans. Even if there are spirits, they can't touch us and we can't feel them so how can they control us? I'm the inquisitive type so I tend to ask a lot of questions. My friend said it often but I still didn't take it as anything. I love paranormal movies and watched a lot of them so I made it clear in my mind that the paranormal stuff was all fictional and couldn't happen in reality.

One day, one of my best friends told me an encounter she had. She called me and said, "I had a strange nightmare." 

She told me that in her dream, someone was trying to press her down or so. She said she tried to fight the person but the person was pretty strong. She said she tried to pick her Bible so she'll use it as a defence. But the person pushed it away from her hand and it landed in the middle of her room. In that dream, she was sweating and when she woke up, she was also sweating. She also found her Bible in the exact same place as her dream. My friend was terrified. I ignored it and thought it was just a nightmare and maybe she had mistakenly pushed her Bible during her sleep. 

Now it's all clear to me. If it was just a nightmare, why was she equally sweating like she was in her dream? If she pushed her Bible, it would have fallen beside her bed and not in the middle of her room. How did it get to the middle of her room? My major question is; could it be just a nightmare? Or did it really happen?

My dad also told me a shocking story. He said when he was still young, his father was very sick. One day, he was talking to his father in their sitting room when he heard a knock on the door. He stood up to go and check who was there but to his greatest surprise, there was no one. After getting back to the sitting room, his father had passed away. My siblings and I joked about it. I said stuff like, 

"Maybe he didn't want you to see him die so he sent someone to knock and run away." 

"Maybe he didn't want you to see him die so his spirit went to knock on the door." 

"Maybe death came to carry him, and you opened the door for it." 

I might have just been joking but I felt there was an iota of truth in that joke.

My mother's mother died a few years ago and my mom said she saw her mother on the day of her funeral. She said she asked her if she was happy where she was and she said yes.

In another instance, a few days after my graduation from high school, I was in my room when I heard a distant soft voice call my name. I thought it was my dad so I shouted 'sir'. My dad asked me who I was answering and I said him of course. He said he didn't call me. I was surprised. That wasn't the only day. Time to time, I kept on hearing it. My dad got angry one day, and told me, never to answer anything again if I've not confirmed it was him. It still didn't stop but I stopped answering. I was prayed for, and the calling finally stopped.

What finally changed my mind that paranormal things exist was that, one night I was either reading on Wattpad or doing something else. I sleep really late at night. I had finished what I was doing on that night and decided to lie on my bed to sleep. I felt drowsy and it was like I was in a trance. I suddenly felt myself being pressed to the bed. I tried to escape, struggling but to no avail. I couldn't breath. I was fighting between life and death. I tried to talk, to shout Jesus' name but I couldn't do anything. I was paralysed, still pressed down. There was something was weighing me down. Finally, I don't know what happened but I jerked up. Immediately after, I was pulled back to my drowsiness and the encounter repeated. The next time I jerked up, my heart was burdened. I was panicked and a little sweaty. I was scared for several minutes. I couldn't go back to sleep but I finally prayed and slept. 

Believe me that night was freaky.

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