Thank You Guardian Angel

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Told by TheBlind_LightEnd

I'm a girl from a small town in New York and I'm fifteen now so this was six years ago. My father was killed in a car accident when I was three. Six years went by and it was a sunny, summer morning. My family was sleeping but I was up. My mom was sleeping on the couch and my brother and sisters were sleeping on blankets which were laid out on the carpet in front of the TV stand. We had rooms, but none of the rooms had beds and me and my brother and sisters were afraid of the stairs. The stairs was to the left of the TV stand and on on the wall before the stairs was a picture of my father when he was younger.

When I was younger. I needed noise to help me sleep but the TV turned off in the middle of the night. Right before I was about to get up to get the buttons for the TV,  I looked at the stairs. Below my father's photograph, there stood a shadowy figure of mist. The figure was about six-foot-three inches and bulky. We stared at each other before I let out a quiet squeak and threw the blankets over my head. I laid there trembling for about five minutes before I decided it was gone and it was. I grabbed the buttons and turned the TV on like nothing really happened.

My day went on after that, but a good three years went by after that incident. I was in the car with my aunt and we were heading home after a day of fun. I thought for a while about what happened three years ago and an idea bloomed in my mind. I looked at my aunt and said, "Annie, a few years ago, I saw a ghost under daddy's picture. We were staring at each other and I got scared and hid under the covers."

My aunt looked briefly at me before looking back at the road. "Really?"

"Yeah, I was scared though."

"Honey, there's no need to be scared. It was probably your daddy looking over you. He really loved you." A few tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes.

"I miss daddy, Annie."

"I know you do. I miss my brother so much."

We smiled at each other before going back to the thing we were doing. I looked out the car window at the stars and thought, Thank you daddy for watching over me. I love and miss you.

 I love and miss you

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