⭐[NEW] Shadow Animals

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Told by UndertaleandMarvel

I was young when it first started.

I believe I was around five years old. I shared a room with my sister and we had a bunk bed. I woke up but didn't understand why the moonlight was streaming through the window and illuminating a shadow figure in the shape of a panther. My hand hand been dangling from the bottom bunk. The shadow panther walked over to it and bit it. I felt sudden pain but it was mostly dull. As soon as it bit my hand, the panther disappeared on contact. 

This happened several more times but with different animals. Sometimes, shadowy chickens would peck at my legs or a family of wolves would lie at the end of my bed. Of course I would panic for a few seconds, hoping they would get the hint I was scared and disappear. Whenever I stopped panicking and all fear left me, I would jump and launched myself at the shadowy animals in an attempt to attack them. They would always disappear. This happened for years but became more spread out until I would go months without seeing one. 

I was ten years old when the last one appeared. It wasn't like the others. In fact, it was not a shadow and it didn't appear at night. My sister was moving out of our room and into the basement. When I was alone in the room, I climbed up to the top bunk to pet my cat, Dipstick. 

Except it bit me.

Normally I would have been okay with this but something was off. I tried to grab the cat but my hand went through it and it suddenly disappeared...

I'm a teenager now and I have never seen a shadow animal since then.

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