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Told by Riellehn

It seems only appropriate that a ghost story should occur in a place easily susceptible to a haunting. Whether it be an abandoned house, a haunted resort, or the site of a mass murder.

That's why it is only appropriate that this story should occur in the barn. Now this isn't an ordinary barn with wooden walls and cows but rather a theatre barn, where my school's theatre group kept set pieces in the middle of a show.

The theatre has many sacred traditions that it keeps, ones that have been passed down through many years. Among them is the ghost light, a bright bulb that sits center stage and lights up the place when all the other lights are off. It prevents anybody from falling off the stage, and is supposed to discourage ghostly intrusion. I fear that the darkness of the barn is what caused the ghost light to be ineffective in deterring this particular event...

It was during rehearsal when it occurred. Throughout the long day, my friend had been trying to sneak up on me. He had the habit of doing such things but he had been my friend since the first grade which made me more than used to it, and often I would try to return the favor. I guess a spectral onlooker had decided to join in on our little game because while I was standing alone in the barn, trying to get my eyes used to the oppressive darkness after a successful strike, I felt a sudden thump behind me.

I thought it was my friend. After all, he isn't exactly a small guy, and I had just managed to sneak up on him. I turn to look at him but there was... nothing. No human had entered the barn, and there wasn't any object on the ground that could have been thrown, nor anybody to throw it. I remembered clearly the sudden feeling of a footstep on the wood behind me as well as the sound of the thump but there was nothing to create it.

At the time, I shrugged it off. I was not a believer in the paranormal and of course, I defaulted to believing it was my imagination. The theatre itself was relatively new and out director had said that he wished the theatre had its own ghost story to tell as it did not currently have a ghost. Perhaps his wish came true.

Later, however, I was talking with my friends and we were all once again sitting in the barn. The conversation  slowly turned to the supernatural. Suddenly, one of my friends claimed they were a medium, someone who can communicate with spectral entities, like ghosts. I seriously doubted this claim but she went on to mention the theatre's ghost.

I froze, my mind going back to the event earlier. There was no way she could have known about it because she wasn't there so I asked her what this 'ghost' was like.

My heart froze as she began to describe a tall, heavy set figure. She said how it had grown particularly fond of the darkness in the barn.

In a leap of logic, my mind suddenly thought of the 'Shadow Man', the name I had given to a shadowy figure I had seen in the edge of my vision as a child, one who I  believed was a product of a child's imagination. I decided to risk asking; was the ghost... shadowy?

My heart seized up when she confirmed that yes, the figure was indeed shadowy.

The thought of a shadowy stalker still haunts my thoughts today...  

Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 2Where stories live. Discover now