The Interview - Holly

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Holly P.O.V

I don't have a clue what to expect. Why am I even doing this in the first place?

"So just state your name, age and stuff." She smiles a wide smile, focusing her gaze at the camera projection.

"Ok, so my name is Holly Richmond. I'm 20 years young, and you may recognise me from my YouTube videos!" I state to the camera.

I have a following of about 6 million subscribers who mean the absolute world to me. What I would do without my viewers I really don't know. But, I definitely wouldn't call myself a "Youtube Star" as the show is branding me.

"Ok Holly," the producer tentatively asks. "So why are you coming into the jungle?"

"Why?" I chuckle. "I don't have a bloody clue! I thought I'd try something new, and something told me this is right."

"So who would your ideal campmate be then?"

"Oh." I ponder, brushing my hair over my left shoulder as little wisps drag over my eyes. In my hotel room, it's a little cold; it's the night before we enter the jungle. "I don't know really who my ideal campmate would be. Someone nice and kind and funny. Maybe someone who does what I do, but I don't expect anything like that!"

Whenever people come up to me and ask what I do for a living, I honestly admit I'm a YouTuber. And I get the same response every single time. 'What the hell is a YouTuber! That's not a job!'

"You don't know who is coming in the jungle with you?"

"Don't have a blinking clue!" I laugh, letting out nervous giggles between my words.

"Are you scared of anything?"

"Yes!" I exclaim, my eyes widening. "Like everything, but I won't tell you what specifically because you will probably throw me in there with it!"

The producer chuckles at my response, focusing the camera angle and brightening the manual rectangular lighting.

"Ok then, so Holly, what do you expect from the jungle?"

"I really don't know what to expect. Bugs, critters crawling in my underwear perhaps. I don't like the thought of eating sheeps anus, but you know, why not!"

"Final question Holly."

"Shoot." I beam, adjusting myself in the chair, tucking my youtube top into the waist of my denim blue jeans.

"You're a very pretty girl. Could there be love in the jungle for you? You are single, right?"

"I am single, and awhh thanks." I justify, giving a small nod and laugh. "But I don't know. I've never really had much luck with love because of my job and stuff, but I guess if it happens it happens."

"That's great Holly! I'll leave you to your last night in the hotel. Have fun in there!"

"I will do!" I smile, giving a small wave and hopping up from the leather seat. Once she's gone, I scurry over and close my windows.

I'm staying in the Palazzo Versace hotel, a beautiful hotel in Queensland. It's gorgeous, 5 star with aesthetic palm trees outlining the pool side where to relax, I focus of the filtering sound of the water.

I can't leave the hotel though, and only at certain times can I go to the lobby. We aren't aloud to see any of the other camp mates so it's a complete surprise when we get in there.

Bags are unpacked and everything I'm taking in ( 3 pairs of underwear, 2 bikinis, the clothes we have to wear, and 4 pairs of socks ) have all been squashed into the brown bohemian rucksack the campmates are allowed.

Viewing my figure in the long stretch mirror on the side of my tiled bathroom wall, I'm already pretty slim. Bob length shortcake-blonde hair, blue eyes, and a "5,8" figure, I have no doubt I'll lose so much weight because we aren't fed anything at all.

Changing out of my jeans, YouTube tee and into a loose pair of striped fluorescent yellow shorts with a white vest top, I tuck my body underneath the warm covers. I have to be up at 4 am, ready for the journey into the outback to finally begin.

I don't know who I'm sharing this camp with, or what the trials are going to bring.

I'm diving completely into the unknown, and I'm completely away from reality.


So this is the start of the Jack Maynard fanfiction. I'm following along with the episodes so the next update will be probably November 19th/November 20th but I'll keep you posted xxx

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