The Interview - Jack

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Jack P.O.V

"Ok Jack, so I'll just ask a few questions and let you rest up. You excited for tomorrow then?"

A camera man from the production team has come in my room to interview me. Since I'm not allowed out in case I see any of the other celebrities, him and his camera equipment have had to pile in here, not that that's strange to me.

"I'm so nervous." I answer in a whisper to his casual question, sitting down on a red stained leather seat. "Why did I even think that doing this would be a good idea?"

Laughing at my own words, he turns the camera to record, and starts firing me the standard questions.

"My name is Jack Maynard, I'm 22 years old, and you might know me from my videos on YouTube. Or my brother Conor since he is way more famous and rich than me!" I joke.

"So what's your favourite part of your job?"

"I make videos of me and my friends and make money out of it! It's the absolute dream and meeting my subscribers is one of the best feelings."

"Are you scared of anything?" The olive-skinned man asks, staring down the lense at my face and focusing he camera angle. It's weird being videoed and then not being able to edit and see it myself. It's just weirdly uncomfortable.

"Like everything. I'm literally a complete woos, but you know, we will have to see."

"Ok." He replies. "So what do you expect from the jungle?"

"I don't know what to expect. I don't even like camping or eating gross food!"

"Final question, and we ask this to basically everyone who comes in here single. Do you think you could find love in the jungle?"

"I really don't know but I guess I didn't really think about that. Umm...I guess it's hard with what I do and stuff, but maybe. I'd love to meet someone who actually gets what I do, but we will just have to see what happens."

"Awesome Jack, I'll leave you to it now. Have a great time tomorrow."

"Cheers." I reply thankfully, standing up and stumbling over the carpet, collapsing onto the softness of my bed sheets.

It's the night before I'm taken far away from all of my senses, and into the I'm a Celeb Jungle. I haven't been working at my YouTube channel long, so to be given this opportunity is one I have always dreamed of being given.

Stripping away from my clothes and jumping in the shower, the warmth takes over my body. Savouring every part and every drip, it will probably be only shower I have in a while. A clean, warm shower. I've seen I'm a Celebrity before, and that shower / waterfall they use looks freezing.

After an excessively long bathe, I remove myself and wrap the lower end of my body in a towel. It's 8pm already, and I need to be up at 4am ready to start off the day. What I will have to do or where I have to go, I have no idea.

I don't have a clue also who I could be sharing the camp with this year. Are they nice? If anyone gets on my nerves, it's probably likely I'll kick off.

Drying my body with a soft cotton white towel, I throw on a pair of shorts and jump underneath the duvets, letting myself drift off.

But the thought of the Australian jungle, starting a journey that could change my life, it's a thought that just stops me from falling asleep. I guess it's hard to when something so weird, nerve wracking and strange is only a few hours away.

Hearing the sound of the pool filter ring through the open window, the brisk of the curtains and warmth of my quilt relaxes the tension of every single one of my muscles.

Jack Maynard. I'm a Celebrity campmate 2017. It just doesn't sound right. In my head, am I even famous? Some of the celebrities have been extremely well known over the years, and I just make weird videos in my bedroom.

With all the thoughts tiring out my mind, it's like my head is forcing me deep into the world of sleep.

And just like that, I'm dreaming.


Hey everyone! This is the last chapter before the show starts as the beautiful stare24 suggested I write this chapter (already done an interview for Holly!)
Next update - November 19th/20th! See you then! Xxx

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