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"Come on Holl!" Becky cheers from the bottom, packing away her flag.

The sudden gust of wind knocks my balance slightly, whilst playing with the tangled cord that the flag is attached to. "I've almost got it but it's stuck." Shouting down with frustration and a hard tug on the knot causes the rope to snap, and I slide the flag straight out. "Never mind!"

Abseiling to the bottom and being unclipped, Becky has already mapped her way to the next challenge, and once again, we sprint off through the evergreen in the hope to catch Dennis and Jamie.

Jack P.O.V

Coming back from the daily trip from the Bush Telegraph, while everyone else goes on the daily round of their designated chores, I carry the laminate with an announcement back to camp, playing with the plastic between my fingers.

"I have an announcement!" I tease, waving the paper in the air and letting out a chuckle. Walking and resting on my red throne, I flip up the paper and read out the acrylic handwriting. "Dennis, Jamie, Holly and Becky are in a game against the elements, trying to construct a flag that will summon a helicopter that will bring them back to camp. To help your team win an advantage in the race, you will now all face the earth challenge. Each team has a locked chest containing the earth flag. Each team also has two boxes with stones in. You must count the number of stones, and use the sum total of the two boxes to unlock the padlock, and receive the flag. The first team to do so will win the challenge. Good Luck!"

Rushing over to the group of boys and opening the first box, we tip the stones out and immediately start to count them up.

"There has to be a better way to do to this!" Iain moans resembling a small child after a few minutes of silence.

"Oh my god you made me lose count!" Amir groans in response, and like a chain reaction, I lose count too.

"We're done!" Jennie screams and I scan my eyes across the camp to see Shappi and Vanessa waving the flag high across the air.

"How did you do that so quick?" Iain gasps, putting on a face as if he's dumbstruck.

"Well, you wouldn't stop moaning Iain!" I confront with a burning fury.

"Yeah, Iain!"

"Well, it wasn't my fault!" He defends. "If we did it how the girls did it then -"

"Ok!" Kez intervenes, "That's enough I think."

And in pure Iain fashion, he slumps across to the fire, sitting himself down on the log, and hunching over with a strop and head in his hands.

Becky P.O.V

Holly reads, "congratulations, the girls won the Earth challenge, meaning that your 15 keys have been reduced to 5."

"That should cut some time," I add after Holly has read the laminate attached to a tree, slipping on our life jackets and jogging through the swamp to the water.

Following Holly, with her hair tied up in a messy bun that as soon as she's submerged in the water, her hair turns a little brown, we swim like a champ, with me only a meter behind her long legs. Soon enough we reach the first lockbox.

The whole concept of the water challenge is to collect the final parts of the flag. Holly and I have to swim in the river's stream, opening each lockbox (3 to find) as we swim. In each box is a part of the flag. The boys have 15 keys to try for each box, and we have only 5.

"It's open!" Holly pulls the first part of the metal pole from the box, dragging it underneath the log and swimming ahead. "Bring the keys Becks."

"Got them!"

With the boys adjacent to us, trying to also unlock the second box, it's now a case of mentally who is the strongest. Propelling myself through the bitter water and fiddling with the metal padlock, Dennis unlocks his only seconds before us, and we are all still neck in neck.

"Why do you only have 5 keys?" Jamie asks in frustration, wiping the water away from his eyes and swimming towards the final box.

"Because our team is awesome!" Holly chants while I take the final key and slot it into the lock. Splashing water over the boys whilst retrieving the last part of the metal pole, Holly and I swim to the water's edge, climbing up on the bank and throwing the metal poles on the floor.

Slotting the poles together whilst the boys climb up onto the bank and try to assemble their flag, we slide the cloth on stating "GIRLS VICTORY". In a joint effort, we wave the flag together, and Holly grasps me into a tight hug when the chopper emerges above the trees and lands in the field.

"Sorry boys!" Holly hugs both of them, taking Jamie and Dennis into her arms. "See you in camp." Her hair clusters in the wind, yet so elegantly like it's all in slow motion.

"Well done Becks." Dennis applauds watching the both of us climb into the back of the chopper.

"Great job babe!" Holly cheers with the cheekiest smile, giving me a fist bump and staring out of the window. "We are gonna eat well tonight!"

"I'm so glad I did this with you, Holl. I don't think I could have put up with any of the others." I joke with her, as we give a little squeal when the helicopter takes a sharp turn.

Jack P.O.V

"So," Amir huffs, standing up and stretching his arms out from his session of multiple press-ups. "Who is coming back first?"

"I think the boys," Iain predicts. "I have hope in those lads."

Jennie stands up in utter shock, "Woah Woah, movement. I see movement!"

Looking down the path, and trying to make out the two figures trotting down through the mud, two slim and beautiful figures emerge from behind the trees. "The girls are eating tonight!"

"Yay!" Vanessa cheers, running and engulfing them both in hugs.

After shared hugs and stories have been told about the challenge, Holly comes to greet me, stroking my back and playing with the outgrowing blonde strands of my hair. Playing softly with the back strands when lacing her fingers, and stroking the top of my head softly, my arms rest around her waist with another of hers on my shoulder.

"Well done. You deserve a treat." I whisper into her neck, giving her a hug and a slight teasing kiss with a pressure on her collarbone.

"Stop, Jack," she whispers smoothly into my shoulder, as I discreetly do it again.

"Oh get a room you two!" Iain exclaims, pointing over at Holly and I when her fingers untangle from my hair and land on my shoulders.

"Are you two together yet?"

"Huh?" Holly gasps cutely, blushing at Dennis's question, with an uproar of laughter from the rest of camp.

As Holly takes a step away, I pull her back into my chest by placing my hands on her waist and around her back. Holding her chest against mine, I swipe the fallen caramel hair away from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear and placing my finger underneath her chin so her eyes are forced to look at mine with intensity.

"Jack, what are you -" she murmurs, her cheeks flushed red and her eyes turning more of a green shade when she's nervous.

"Just come here," I smile, placing my lips on hers. Cupping her face with one hand and clasping her waist with another, my lips massage her bottom lip and all Holly does, is break into a large grin with an echo of screaming and whistling from the other campmates. The nicest part is when our lips come into contact again with each other and it sends shivers down my back.

Pulling away, I watch this girl, the girl I've grown close to, bury her pink face into the naple between my neck and shoulder, as I wrap my arms around her back and pull her into my chest. Our campmates don't stop whistling and screaming, to which I kiss her forehead.

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now