Losing Myself In Jack

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"When did they do it?" Becky whispers up to Dennis and Amir, as they give a shrug and just turn to look over at my depressed expression. "You alright mate?"

"Yeah, just great."

Absolutely brilliant. The girl I was planning on telling I have a crush on, and devoting all my time to, kissed my best mate. And never told me anything.

Holly P.O.V

"Babe please don't cry," Becky whispers into my ear as my head is buried in her shoulder. With gentle sobs after such revelation and that look of hurt on Jack's face, again, I can't even forgive myself.

"I'm sorry." I muster into her shoulder, with my back raising and falling in rhythm. "I'm sorry, it's, just, I can't believe I did that."

"Did he go in for it?" Shappi asks cautiously and with integrity to which I nod against Becky's shoulder with a lump forming in my throat. "Shall we talk to him?"

"I just need to talk to Jack I think." I groan as I know that everything between Jamie and I should still be the same. "But at least he knows now."

"You two are both in 10 Downing Creek tonight yeah? Just talk to him then."

"Ok." I follow, calming down a little now as Shappi wipes the tears away from my face. "What I would do without you two I don't know!"

"Love ya lots Holl," Shappi chuckles, giving me a soft hug once we leave the bush telegraph with another laminate in hand.

Reaching the bottom of camp, and crawling into a hug and conversation with Jennie, Vanessa and Kez who thankfully don't bring the situation up, we listen to Becky read the laminate.

"Celebrities!" She reads. "Tomorrow, you will face a battle against the sexes and the elements, as two campmates of each gender will race across the jungle in the hope to be first back to camp. The two campmates chosen will navigate their way through the jungle, collecting flags of the 4 elements. All of the other celebrities will face the live bush-tucker trial tomorrow, where the boys and girls shall go up against each other to give an advantage to their team. Whoever's two jungle teammates make it back to camp first, will allow their whole team to receive a lovely feast tomorrow night."

"Oh my gosh!" Vanessa cheers, throwing her hands in the air. "Food!"

"Ok, so we have to decide now which two boys and two girls will go out tomorrow."

Organising ourselves into our sexes, and talking between ourselves, we come to a few different arguments.

"We need two people fit for the job, so I'm out." Kez laughs, raising her hands.

"I'd rather stay in camp." Vanessa agrees, "but I think that Holly should do it. She probably needs to get out of camp."

Becky says, "I totally agree with V. So Shappi, me or you?"

"Rock paper scissors it," I suggest, to which they do. Becky throws down a rock and Shappi scissors. "Well, looks like it's me and you Becky!"

"Let's do this!" She cheers, giving me a loud hand clap and a hug.

"We have decided!" Iain declares from their little huddle of conversation. "Dennis and Jamie are doing it."

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