Two New Celebrities

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"Hey mate." He yawns coming and tapping my back. "How many?"

"None." I fake a miserable expression. "We forfeited."

"Why?" Dennis asks as Shappi and Jennie crowd around once they've both heard the news too.

"We just couldn't do it." I huff, standing from the log and making my way down to the creek where Holly has already gone. "Sorry."


Later that night...

Holly P.O.V

"Everyone is so bummed out." I huff, jogging up to Jack's hammock where he's led staring up at the sky.

He grins; I jump beside him, shuffling and snuggling into the hollow under his arm. "They'll be ok when the food comes."

"I hope so." I say. "What are you thinking about?"

Looking up him through my eyelashes, I make out a flat expression but happiness in his eyes. Contentment. "Just home I guess."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Conor, Anna, Josh." He shrugs. "I'm loving it here though."

"Me too."

Looking up at him again, his eyes flick downwards to see my own face peering up at him. Tightening his grip, I shuffle further into his chest until our bodies are pressed together.

"Don't roll over." He laughs. "Or we are both gonna fall out this thing."

"I'll try not to move." I laugh.

"Or laugh."

"I can't help laughing Jack!" I giggle.

"Ok." He breaths, resting his chin on my head.

Looking over Jack's shoulder, who's hammock is beside the phone box, a nosey Jennie and Jamie are staring right up at us. I try not to focus on them, but I do wonder what they're thinking.

Jennie P.O.V

"Jamie." I whisper, nudging his arm whilst staring away from the campfire. "Look!"

Jamie's eyes study my face confusedly, until he follows my line of sight to Jack and Holly led up in the hammock beside the red phone. "He definitely likes her."

"Yeah I think so." Jamie replies. "Like whenever I look over they are just like together, or Jack has got his hands on her."

Looking up at the two of them, Jack's back is to us, but Holly is clearly pressed up to his chest as her arms lay around his neck. Movement and rocking from the hammock, and then stillness like they're both asleep.

"Hang on." Jamie alerts me when he turns away. "Why the hell?"

"Oh my!" Vanessa gasps, looking up to where I'm looking, and a bag is coming down from the sky.

Looking back up at Jack and Holly, I hear a high pitched scream when the hammock tips and spills them both straight onto their backs on the floor.

"What's this?" Amir asks, reaching his hand into the bag and pulling out a laminate.

He reads, "As a result of Jack and Holly winning 8 stars in today's trial..."

"Oh my god you sneaky bastards!" Dennis shouts, as Jack jogs over and pulls him into a hug. With Holly pulling her strawberry blonde bob back, she comes over to myself, Vanessa and Becky, smiling and giggling.

"I'm so sorry!" She grins.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!" I smile, hugging Holly, and then the boys and Jack. "You have Crocodile foot." Amir finishes.

Myself and Becky do the cooking, with the boys and girls of the rest of the camp, staring at us both.

It isn't long until Jack, Vanessa, Holly and Amir have all gone to bed, and straight after, I go off too.

The next morning...

Holly P.O.V

"Hello celebrities!"

"Hi!" I wave, just per usual it's me being the louder one.

"Hey!" Jack joins in, which I laugh at his little mimick. With no style to his blonde mop and cheeky grin plastered across the whole of his face, we listen to the duo read the weird news about the next trial.

"There is some news for you all now. Please can you all make your way down to the trial clearing please. Thanks!" Ant asks, running off with his smaller presenting partner.

"Well that's kind of weird." Vanessa adds to the mumble of confused expressions when we all grab our things and head off. Walking down the little pathways with Becky beside, and Jack all the way upfront, she pulls me over to talk.

"Hey babe." She smiles. "So I saw you and Jack last night."

"Yeah?" I tease. The thought of last night, led there in the warmth of Jack's body and only the night of the jungle to be heard like one of those imagines that never come to life. "What about me and Jack?"

"I think he has a little thing for you."

"I think he has a thing for Jamie. See?" I point to where Jack is riding on Jamie's back like a small child.

"I don't mean like friends. I mean more than that."

"Oh." I breath. With the amount of time me and Jack have been spending together, I guess it does kind of look like we are actually a couple.

"I don't know." I ponder. "Could he?"

"Uh yes." She laughs, running a little bit more ahead to catch up with Jennie. "It's obvious babe!" She shouts back.

Reaching the clearing, there is an arrangement of lifted seats beside a long glass box with funny MP's names imprinted along the sides. "Hey everyone, sit wherever you want to."

Sitting beside Jack and Shappi, we all sit and listen to an explanation of what's going to happen.

"Welcome to the battle for 10 Downing Creek! So, today, you will be joined with two new campmates!" Dec informs us. "Now, we will show you videos of both of your new fellow celebrities, and you need to move onto whichever side of the podium you think, based on the video, who you think will win the trial. Now, here are the videos."

Looking up at a large projectile monitor, we watch the first tape of a 40 year old man making his way into camp.

"Hello. My name is Iain Lee, and I'm a TV and Radio Presenter." He introduces. "This is by far, the most stupid thing I will ever do! I love to argue with people, you know, stir the pot up a little bit. I'm gonna bring a real feeling of self-loathing and inadequacy! I mean, I'm gonna be the annoying one in camp aren't I!"

At the end of the tape, I spot everyone just looking around at each other. He seems a nice guy and all, but honestly just seems to be a little annoying.

"And this is your next celebrity."

Looking back over at the large projected screen, this time a woman, maybe 30, with a Scottish accent and styled brown bob pops up.

"Hello, my name is Kezia Dugdale, and I'm best known for running the Scottish Labour Party, and I'm a member of the Scottish Parliament. I have resilience, purpose, high tolerance levels for stress, and have encountered a few rats and snakes in my time." She laughs. "I'm scared of a few things but I'm not afraid to give anything and everything a go."

"Ok." Dec smiles. "So now you have seen them both, please welcome to camp your two new celebrities!"


Quick thing! If I write Stanley in these chapters I'm very sorry! It's weird watching the show and I keep forgetting that he should have left. Whoops! But if you see his name please just comment so I can change it. Thanks! :D lots of love x

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now