Back To Crock Creek

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Moving back again, and a few more screams across the boxes, it's only Dennis and Iain that seem to keep me going. "Come on man! This is for Holly and Kez."

Just after, placing around 15 coins on top of each other and milliseconds before the table splits, dropping the coins, the clackson rings.

"We did well guys," I confirm, looking at all the coins on the floor.

Let's just hope its enough.


Holly P.O.V

"We're back!" I joyfully shout over the silence of Snake Rock. Looking over the floor, Becky is sound asleep on her side with her head resting on the palms of her hands. Jamie however, walks down beside me when I sit on my mat by the fire, shirtless, his t-shirt flung over his shoulder.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" I snigger, trying my hardest not to admire his bold 6-pack.

"I just had a shower." He smiles.


"Just before Becky fell asleep, so like 5 minutes ago."

Kez frowns, looking him up and down. "Um, but your hair isn't wet?"

"Oh," he starts, looking back down at me. I'm sat cross-legged, leaning back on my hands. "How did the trial go Holl?"

"Fine," Vanessa replies flatly before I can even answer. With Becky stirring, slowly threatening to wake up, Vanessa continues to list what we had to do in the trial. I remember myself being in the middle box, and Vanessa just seemed a little off the whole time we were in there.

"We did well." I smile up at him. Laying backwards and flattening out the braids Kez put in my hair, I run my hands through the knots when saying, "we don't find out the results until later."

"Hopefully we win food." Becky yawns, slowly fluttering her eyes open. It's straight after she's said that, the radio sounds its tune, and Iain's squeaky voice musters over the speakers.

"G'day all campmates!" He cheerfully states. "The results of the latest challenge are in and are about to be revealed. I wish luck to all involved, and they go as followed. Crock Creek managed to stack a whole 16 coins when the challenge ended. Equally, Snake Rock managed to balance 16 coins. Therefore, the challenge ends a draw, and both camps shall eat tonight!"

"Awesome!" I shriek from beside Kez, throwing my legs in the air. "I'm literally so hungry."

"Babe you better get cooking," Vanessa laughs, patting Becky's shoulder as she hoists herself up from the floor. "I'm gonna shower. Jamie, could you do the water?"

"Do I have to?" He complains, looking up at my standing body from being led across the floor.

"Well," She says, "you seemed completely fine to do it for Holly?"

"Vanessa..." I try to intervene. "Why-"

"I'll do it V." Kez interrupts, standing and walking with her over to the shower.

"Why was she like that?" I whisper over my shoulder to Jamie, whose lips are slightly pouted and eyes laying shut.

"Don't know." He replies, not opening his eyes to see the basket of food falling from the sky. "Let's have a hug?"

"Ok." I snigger, laying down and placing myself in the space under Jamie's arm, nuzzling my face into the nape of his neck. It's surprising that Jamie and I are actually closer than Jack and I have been, but, I guess to leave us here starving just to get a bigger meal, isn't the most complimentary action.

Jack P.O.V

"Celebrities." Iain reads from the fax machine over the rest of Crock Creek, but not to Snake Rock. "As a result of drawing in the last trial, you have won not only your meal of wallaby but one care package for Snake Rock. All of the challenges are now complete. You must decide who the 4 care packages shall be awarded to, and tell the rest of Snake Rock they can return. You can tell them the full news of their arrival."

Finally. The thought of Holly returning back to camp with one of my best mates Jamie and the rest of the girls is so much more settling. Being able to explain all of what's happened, and finally tell her that I've been missing her is such a relief.

"So who do the packages go to?"

"Tell me if I'm wrong," Jennie suggests, "but I think Becky, Holly, Jamie and Vanessa."


"Yeah." She continues. "I mean Kez only just got here so-"

"That sounds like a good idea." Shappi continues, "Yeah, let's do that."

"Great." I echo, urging Iain up to his stand to make the announcement.

"Hello, all Snake Rock members!" Iain declares after the sound of the theme song. "We are delighted to tell you that the challenges are all over, and you are more than welcome to come back to Crock Creek! We will see you soon to reveal the madness behind what has been going on!"

Holly P.O.V

"Let's get going then!" Becky exclaims in happiness, throwing her hands in the air and doing a funny little dance.

With Jamie grabbing my hand to help me up, he hoists my body forward so hard I almost fall into his chest. "Thanks." I laugh, releasing his grip and grabbing my hat.

Walking down the pathway away from the dreaded Snake Rock, the nervousness of seeing Jack is starting to build. I don't really know why things seem a little different now, but either way, especially with Jamie, I really don't see how things can return to the way they were.

"They're here!" Shappi voice cheers as she spots the movement from us all. With Jamie's arm draped around my shoulder as he spotted the nervous look on my face, we return to camp. Funnily enough, one of the first boys to greet me is Jack.

"Hey, Holly." He cheekily grins, showing off that mischievous smile and illuminating blue eyes that anyone could be caught in. "I've missed you."

"Missed you too Jack," I say, pulling away and giving a huge hug to Jennie. Pulling her into my chest, she grins an extremely large smile before whispering into my ear. "He's missed you-you know?"

'Jack?' I mouth back to which she nods.

"Ok everyone!" Iain exclaims, waving his hands. "Take a seat and we shall all explain why we've been such jerks over the past few days!"

Jack P.O.V

Jogging down to the fireside and gesturing for Holly to come and sit beside me, it's off-putting as she just gives a gentle smile and turns away. Instead, I watch her sit beside Jamie, and as Jamie's arm lifts to wrap around her shoulder, and Holly's head rests on his neck; I only feel a pang of jealousy.

"Hey mate," Dennis whispers, looking over at them both. "What the hell is going on there?"

"I don't know," I answer, keeping an eye on her infectious smile that makes me feel nauseous all over again in the arms of my mate, "but I really don't like it."

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