Games In The Creek

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"Boys, it's on!" Becky challenges, swimming to the edge and running after them both. With Jack being the slower of the two, Becky grabs him and pushes him over the edge and straight into the creek.

"Holy crap it's cold!" Jack exclaims, standing on his tiptoes. I swim over, grabbing hold of his shoulders and flicking his hair back.

Once again, another splash tells me Becky has caught and chucked Jamie in too.


Holly P.O.V

"Let's play a game yeah?" Jack asks me, paddling up behind me and grabbing my body.

"What game?" I question with a smile, feeling a light splash in the water behind me, but no answer from Jack. "Jack?"

Going to turn around, a pair of legs pries my inner thighs apart, allowing Jack to swim between my legs, placing his head underneath my hips and lifting himself out of the water so I'm sat on his shoulders. "Oh my god!" I gasp in shock, grabbing his hands.

I watch Jamie swim underneath Becky, lifting her up opposite us. "First one in the water loses!" Becky chants when Jamie tiptoes closer to us.

"Babe you have to let my hands go!"

"No way!" I shout, too scared to unlace one of my hands, as Becky's arms attach to my shoulders and almost push me off Jack's body. Jack lets one of my hands go, letting me wobble, but as soon as I get my balance I grab at Becky's wrists and start to push her backwards.

"Jamie move back!" She screams, as I take my other hand out of Jack's and lace my hands into Becky's. Using all the strength I can to push her backwards, Jack takes a surprising step forward, allowing me the leverage to push her back and off of Jamie's shoulders.

"Yes!" Jack cheers, high-fiving me. Watching Becky emerge from underneath the water, with her fingers clenching at her nose, Jamie swims over to Jack, kicking his legs from underneath him.

"Jamie!" I gasp, falling straight forward over Jack's head and diving head first into the creek.

"We still win!" Jack laughs, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I emerge from the surface of the water.

Resetting the game, we all decide to switch the roles up, with Jamie and I teaming up against Jack and Becky.

"I won't be able to lift you, Becky!" Jack groans with a laugh to finish, standing behind her and hyping himself up to swim under her legs. "What if I drown?"

"You won't drown!" Jamie laughs, swimming up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist, sitting comfortably on my bare stomach just above the waistline of my bikini bottoms. I'm so glad that Jamie and I have gone through what we did or this could have been very awkward.

Feeling his hands trace the outsides of my thighs when he swims under the clear water and separates my legs, lifting me up on his shoulders, he emerges and shoots me up in the air like a firework. Since Jamie is a lot taller than Jack, I'm lifted so high even my feet are out of the water.

Watching Jack lift Becky up after some needed encouragement, Becky moves the hair from his face, before catching her balance and getting ready to clasp my wrists. "You have a long way to fall Holly!" She points, holding my wrists for balance instead of trying to push me.

"Go!" I shout, using this moment to my advantage, dragging her forward and then with a mighty push, shoving her back so her bum slips and immediately falls into the water.

"Victory!" Jamie cheers, giving me a high five, before tipping my legs back and chucking me into the bitter water. The sound of my mind goes blank under the water like it's all a blur. But coming into the Australian air again, all the trees come back in sight and I remember why I'm actually here.

Not after too long, Becky and I share the shower before walking back to camp and changing back into my shirt with my number on the back. 090204424 06.

At Vanessa and Dennis's return with a plate full of gorgeous marshmallows, we all celebrate our success in the DDC - well, mine and Jack's - and settle down for a nap for the evening.

"Celebrities," Shappi reads from the laminate, tucked away in the brown food bag that drops from a rope from the sky, "as a result of Iain winning 11 stars in today's trial, you have Kangaroo foot."

"What!" I gasp into Jennie's side, where I'm led on her bed with my head on her chest. "It'll be crusty!"

"I hate that word!" Vanessa cries, covering her ears and letting out a little moan. Jennie from underneath me being replaced by Jack, we all spend the early night chatting, eating a deliciously flavoured meal by Jennie and Jamie, and talking about what tomorrow - our birthday - may bring.

"How awesome has this been so far?" Jack whispers into the top of my head. "What's been your favourite part Holl?"

And with that question, the last week just comes flooding back. The first trial on the plank, then the next with Amir when we came back with no stars. Shortly followed was the string cheese dingo dollar challenge with Stanley - oh dear old Stanley - then the care packages in Snake Rock when meeting the lovely Kez - my opinion of Iain being slightly divided. The weird encounter/fling with Jamie and being declared deputy Prime Minister to Jack. Leading through the vacation-themed dingo dollar challenge with Kez, rushing through the Australian Outback with Becky against Dennis and our entertaining shoulder battles in the pool. Bursting into song with Vanessa, mine and Jack's worst dates trial, bundling on top of the boys, working the bath with the seesaw, and finally the dreaded dunny duty.

"My favourite part?" I repeat. "All of it."


"Happy Birthday!" A sudden echo of a dozen voices cheers, waking me into some sort of daze. A cold gust of wind hits my covers as I bury my head underneath the sheets. "Get out of bed!" Dennis cheers, running in and bundling on top of a dozing Jack.

"What are you doing!" Jack grumbles from his own mattress, causing me to laugh and hug Dennis when he walks over to me and wishes the same.

"Happy birthday Holly," he smiles, hugging me tightly. Peering over his right shoulder, all of the other campmates have barricaded the doorway, looking into the building of 10 Downing Creek with excited grins. An echo of cheers and applause encourages us to finally get off of our bums, and actually go outside.

"Happy 23rd babe." I yawn, hugging Jack's chest and lacing my hands into the back of his messy, unbrushed hair, pecking his cheek.

"Happy 21st baby." He smiles down at me, placing another gentle kiss on my forehead while stroking the outside of my thigh. "Come on, we better get ready for the boys to arrive."

"Yeah, a bushtucker trial!" I mock sarcastically, not feeling any older than I am now. " What an amazing birthday gift that would be!"

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