Shag, Marry, Kill

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"South Africa." I smile, looking at his face, completely lost. "I thought you said you were good at geography?"

"I am." He shrugs, watching me place the pin into Australia. Picking up one end of the rope and him picking up the other, we measure 23 hours against the key.

"23?" Amir crosses his fingers, but the sign doesn't change. "24 then?"

"I'll try it," I answer, putting the 3 away and replacing it with a metal piece, imprinted with the number 4. A ding noise sounds and the delayed sign turns to display a green "Departed."

Amir and I move on to finding the second destination of many. Why do I think this may take a little longer than expected?


Holly P.O.V

"But if you could, would you?" I ask Jack, his arm thrown over my shoulder as we sit around the campfire with Jennie and Iain.

"All boys would if they could." Jennie supports.

"I'm quite content with the length of my - phone!" Jack bursts up from my side, tripping over his own feet due to the dark, and tumbling up the hill to answer the phone.

"Have a nice trip?" I tease with one of the oldest and suckish jokes of all time. Standing up with Jennie beside me, we wait for the question to be read out.

"In a recent survey, what percentage of British women said they were more interested in pillow-talk than sex? A) 22% or B) 10%?"

Jennie asks, cracking up into laughter, "what's pillow-talk?"

"Well," I guess, "If Zayn Malik has taught me anything, then like lovey-dovey talk."

"Then lower."

"Jennie!" I gasp at her confidence in the answer. "Boys, do you know?"

"I wouldn't have a clue," Iain shrugs. "You'd hope lower."

"Yeah," Jack laughs along with him.

"Well, yeah, I'd go lower I think," I add on, looking up at Jack. "But it's a weird question."

"Well if the girls say lower," Iain suggests, "go lower."

"Ok, final answer?"

All decided that the lower answer of 10% would be the best answer, Jack puts the phone down, and stumbles back down the hill towards me, sitting down on the floor and resuming our conversation. "Sex or pillow-talk Holl?"

"Both," I laugh, answering the question on behalf of myself and Jennie. "From a boy's perspective?"

"Sex," Jack laughs, "and 100% of men would say it out loud."

"Yeah, probably." Iain agrees, just as Jamie and Amir walk back down to camp with a cloche in hand. "What's the prize?"

"Popcorn," Amir cheers, taking the lid away and displaying a brown paper bag full of sweet and salted popcorn. All rushing up and taking a handful each from the bag, I slip a piece into my mouth. Even though it isn't necessarily the nicest as all I can taste is the salt I am deprived of, it's still luscious on my taste buds. "That's so good."

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now