Christmas Carols & Coloured Capes

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"Baby girl, they're fine," Jack hushes, putting down his wooden doll and walking over, hugging me once picking up on my disturbed and uncomfortable expression. Pecking my cheek, his hand nudges away the rat from my side of the table. "Come on, let's finish this for Santa."

"You sound like such a dad." I smile at his efforts.

Iain teases, "because Jack's your future baby daddy!"



Holly P.O.V

"What!" Iain gasps opened mouthed and trying his best not to crack into wails of laughter. "We all know it!"

"Shut up," I comment, crossing off the last of the names beginning with D. "Do you know what a baby daddy is?"

"Yeah, a babies dad right?"

"Kind of," Jack laughs, "Right, let's get off the sexual topic."

"You brought it up," I say to my boyfriend as he starts to wrestle with the wooden dolls. Picking two naked dolls up, crashing them into each other and chucking one across the room, he looks so entertained like a small boy on Christmas Day.

"That's the most camp fight I've ever seen," Iain sniggers, dressing the hats on the dolls. "These rats are doing my head in now."

"You would have thought they'd ran out of critters wouldn't you!" I joke. "The amount they've used over the past 3 weeks."

"You reckon it's the cyclone tomorrow?" Jack asks. "I'm so excited,"

"That's if you're still here!" Iain jokes. "You might not make it!"

"Oh, I'm doing that cyclone."

"It does look like fun," Iain adds as I write down the names on Santa's good list with a ginormous pencil that I've been given. "Why is this taking forever?"

"I know," I moan, posting a few of the wooden dolls down the chute. "Have you had a closer look at these dolls? I never knew Kiosk Kieth had such great abs!"

"I know they're good ain't they!" He laughs, smiling and jumping around to a few more Christmas carols.

After a few 10 minutes sessions of silence, interrupted when Iain breaks out into the most famous and known Christmas hits, I finally reach the end of the list.

"You know I'm really starting to feel Christmassy now!" Jack grins, sliding the hat onto one of the dolls and passing it down the production line.

"Well I hate to ruin the festivities, but this is the last one!" I cheer, writing out the name 'Zoe' and attaching the tag to one of the dolls, budging past the rat and throwing the doll down the chute.

"So," Jack asks, looking around after the trial has finished. Nothing is moving, Nothing is creeping and no clackson sounds. "What now?"

"I don't know."

"We did get the whole list right?"

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