🌸Legends Part 1🌸

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[Naruto AU, fluff, angst]

Sarada Uchiha stepped through the doorway and into the kitchen. She was normally the first one awake, and for some reason, her papa was never around in the mornings. She set out two bowls and started preparing her breakfast until she heard footsteps down the hallway, and just as she suspected, she recognized the bright, red hair.

"Good morning."

The woman rubbed her eyes then set her red glasses back into placers Sarada greeted her, "good morning, Mom."

Karin Uzumaki walked up to Sarada and gave her a hug, "what's for breakfast this morning?"

"Eggs, if we're lucky." Sarada rolled her eyes.

"I thought Papa went to the store last night?"

"I mean, he was out all night, but by the looks of the fridge, it doesn't look like he went to the store." Sarada inspected the empty refrigerator, "where was he last night? Did he ever come back? Shanaroo..."

"He's..." Karin pursed her lips and crossed her arms, "he's probably out training. You know him."

"Well..." Sarada sat back down, "maybe. I don't know him as well as you do."

"Hm..." Karin set her chin in the palm of her hand, "well, let's just say he's hard to read at times, that's coming from me."

"But you're his wife. Shouldn't you know everything about him?"

Karin pursed her lips and ignored her question, "listen, your Papa has had his ups and downs. I know how you feel, but please don't make things hard on him. He's been through things you couldn't imagine, and seeing your smiling face makes us both feel so much better. Please keep that in mind, okay?"

Sarada sighed, "I'm going out."

"Okay." Karin smiled as she gave Sarada a final pat on the back, "do a good job out there today."

"Sure will! I'm you daughter, aren't I?" Sarada stuck her tongue out playfully before running out.

"Heh." Karin smiled sadly, "you're definitely your father's daughter..."


"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Sarada chuckled weakly, "I'm sorry, Lord Seventh, I don't really see the need to learn Boruto's Jutsu... That's his thing."

"Haha! Of course, I knew that." Naruto Uzumaki laughed, "I'm just looking to see how much chakra you have. If you want to be my student, I need to get to know you, shouldn't I?"

"Hm." Sarada smirked, "but how will Shadow clones...?"

"Creating Shadow Clones takes more technique than you might think. It requires the equal distribution of chakra to every part of the clones' bodies. This isn't only a matter of measuring chakra, but also a matter of testing your chakra control."

"My mom has the ability to give chakra to anyone." Sarada shrugged, "probably the greatest chakra ability anyone around here could have. Chakra control shouldn't be a problem for me."

Naruto blinked a few times at the over-confident Kunoichi and chuckled sheepishly, "I suppose you're right, huh? Your mama is the most talented with chakra control, isn't she?" He watched her movements as she experimented with charging chakra into her fist then sending a burst into the ground, "I think we should call it a day."

"What?" Sarada looked at him, "is something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." Naruto smiled, "I just think you should go find your Papa and tell him to meet with me sometime. We need to have a little meeting, you see."

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