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[fluff, Sarada]

Finally, little Sarada fell asleep.

In all honesty, it was really and definitely tough to calm her down. It was such an irresponsible act to go out to go buy some cereal when you have a baby to take care of.

"I'm sorry, Sarada." The pink haired woman mumbled after placing her little angel back to the crib where it was recently playing.

Sakura wanted to go out with her friends, but couldn't because of Sarada. Sakura wanted to go out with Sasuke, but again, couldn't.

At her first few days with a newborn child, she was very happy to have a girl of her own.

But now, it's like..

She regrets ever bearing a child.

She feels as if Sarada's a burden not only to her, but to Sasuke as well.

Sasuke, most of the time dismissed by his boss pretty late in the evening. He needs rest, but is unable to fully recharge his mental and physical self, due to Sarada's midnight cries.

Sasuke never mentioned anything about Sarada being a burden, but it was simply apparent enough. Sakura could feel the annoyance in Sasuke every time Sarada wakes them up at around 2 to 4 in the morning.

Sakura admits, it was surprisingly hard.

And, she's trying to get herself ready to abandon her supposedly responsibility to take care of little Sarada.

She haven't confessed and discussed anything about that topic with her fiancé, Sasuke just yet.

Yes, fiancé.

They live together already, they as well love each other. But, they wish to get married when their first newborn child is able to walk on his or her own feet.

Unfortunately, it's sad that they couldn't handle the situation very well. In other words, they weren't as ready to babysit their own baby as they thought they'd be.

Just because both of them are mentally and physically clever. Both of them are half emotionally ready.

But that's the end of it.

They weren't completely prepared with managing a family of their own.

Sakura sighed, however, she couldn't just leave Sarada alone in the house. So, she decides to bring Sarada with her.

But she's hoping that her baby won't be such a burden while she's onwards to Ino's place.

Sakura dresses herself up and arranged a stroller for baby Sarada.

Door's locked, she took her phone and texted Sasuke, just to inform him that she and their daughter is gonna drop by Ino's.

Afterwards, she moved on. Feeling the soft and cool breeze on her face. Unexpectedly, Sarada began laughing.

Sakura stopped by the park, and checked her angel, who is having fun by herself. Sakura blinked, and sighed.

She continued walking, til she finally got to her destination.


Sakura arrived home quite late, with Sarada.

She settled down the couch after putting little Sarada on the carpet with some dolls.

The kitchen went a little noisy, earning a fearsome look on Sakura's face.

"Welcome home."

But it afterwards disappeared after spotting her beloved, Sasuke coming out with three.. cupcakes?

He placed the tray down the coffee table and sat beside Sakura.

Sakura smiled, "It's surprising, that you were able to get outta work this early." Sasuke just smiled a little.

Sakura knew she need to tell him the issue regarding Sarada.

But before being able to speak, Sarada is already craving for her parents' presence.

Sakura looked away with a heaved sigh. And placed little Sarada on her lap.

"Mommy~" she played with Sakura's pink hair, which earned the couple a chuckle.

Sarada pinched Sasuke's cheek, "Daddy~"

Honestly, those few actions Sarada disrupted Sakura and Sasuke's plans to take her away.

Sarada stroked both Sakura and Sasuke's cheeks, "I wabmommy endaddy~" then she chuckled, her bright face made the two feel guilt.

Sasuke held Sakura's hand.

And they smiled at each other.

Perhaps, they can.

Perhaps they can endure the hardships, they just can't let go of their daughter---of the half of their beings.

Well, parents love their children no matter what. ^^

And the two, have realized this with a sweet little stroke with cute little fingers..


Written by: neechanrinMi

P.S. I know, this one's lame. Gomen.

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