🌸It was all worth it🌸

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In Sasuke's POV

I see the cherry blossom petals fall, it was march.

Petals fell on the ground, some fell on rivers.

But one landed on my head.

I never knew, and I never would have guessed.

But as I saw the petal on my hand at that time,

All I see is you, on the shape of a heart.

My flower,


All of the memories flooded back to me, and it has dragged me back.

To the place where I was born,

To the place where I lost my happiness.

To the place where I hated everyone, and everything.

Where I became an outcast;


But oh, have you dragged me back.

It was like a strong wind of cherry petals.

And white surroundings.

And you were there, standing in front of me.

Smiling, as you hold the heart shaped cherry petal.

"Sasuke-kun.." You muttered.

And I was taken aback.

How come you love me so much?

When there is no reason to love a lowlife like me.

You have dragged me back.


Facing the gates, it has become uneasy.

As I take another step,

"Sasuke-kun!" I hear an exclaim.

And it was your voice.

Oh how you've grown womanly.

You hug me, I felt guilty.

But I hugged you back.

"I'm back, Sakura.."

Were the words that I said.

You cried, and I felt as if it was my fault.

"I'm happy you're back."

Were the words you said.

I gave a small smile.

And I realized,

It was all worth it.

As I woke up to the sound of chirping birds,

and the sounds of children laughing and running.

I look beside me and I see you, with the Uchiha crest on your back.

I smiled.

"Papa." I hear a little girl say, I look at the door.

"Sarada..." She smiled and laughed in joy and jumped in our bed.

"Mama is asleep." She said.

I hugged her.

"Yes, she is. Let's not disturb her."

And we got out.

I smile as I see you sleeping.

"Thank you for everything."

And it was all worth it.



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