🌸Her Lie Part 4🌸

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[high school AU]


Yesterday went just fine. Though, the only unexpected things that occurred were from a single boy whose name isn't Naruto.

Sasuke is pretty unpredictable, mysterious, his facial expressions and tone reveal nothing, he's hard to read, he's nothing like Naruto, who's always so cheery and excited all the time, trying to break the mold whenever he can. And he succeeds. He wears his heart and his mind on his sleeve, so I can tell what he's thinking. Sasuke, on the other hand, he seems as cold and as closed as I remember... I mean, I've heard things.

"Good morning, Sakura!"

I managed a smile and turned to my protector, "Hello, Naruto!"


My name plainly in greeting. I knew who it was, "good morning to you too, Sasuke."

"So!" Naruto slung his arm over my shoulders, "remember that smoothie store we found on the second floor of the mall?"


"There was a guy who was checking you out, but I made sure he never looked at you like that again. Just thought you should know."

"Oh, ah..." I blinked a few times. As random as it was, it was... Yes, it was very random, "thank you?"

"Idiot. I don't think she needs to know about stuff like that..." Sasuke murmured under a snarl from behind us.

"Of course she does. She needs to know how much I'm willing to put my life on the line for her!"

"Hmph... Your life?"

I watched the two bicker for some time before I noticed Sasuke's unusual expression that, for once, I could actually read. His face went really serious as he stared at Naruto in annoyance, almost accusingly.

"Well." Naruto crossed his arms, "I don't think I really did anything wrong, so why are you looking at me like that?! Do you think I did something wrong?"

"No, no, not at all." Sasuke rolled his eyes, then looked at me, "don't listen to him. It's all a lie."

"Hey! Watch it!" Naruto gritted his teeth in his direction.

I couldn't help myself but chuckle a little as I stepped between the two, "okay, okay, just calm down, both of you..."

"Yeah, don't be such a child, Naruto." Sasuke grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Sasuke, I mean you, too."


"Ah, on a side-note..." I tried to ease the tension, "you're both very kind and... Chivalrous. Thank you!"

"No problem!" Naruto saluted.

"Alright, children." Kakashi-Sensei walked into the room, setting his books on the table in front of him, "pop quiz."

I chuckled as the people around me groaned in frustration. I closed my eyes and tapped my fingers on the desk.


I looked up at my teacher and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "sorry."

He handed me the quiz and my eyes scanned over the words. I remember all this, but it was very vague, taken the fact Kakashi-Sensei just handed us a book and expected us to read it. Meanwhile, he sat at his desk and read his own book like he didn't have a single care in the world. I don't think he does have a single care in the world, now that he thinks about it. What was the school board thinking in hiring this guy? They must've been desperate.

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