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[modern AU, bittersweet, Itachi]

His younger brother is beginning to annoy him. Now, don't get him wrong he loves his brother with all of his heart, but right now not so much. Sasuke keeps pacing and pacing and pacing, while ranting about this new girl he had met. Honestly, he never knew his younger brother could talk so much.

Sasuke is shy, and he gets that. He gets that it's hard for Sasuke to make friends and that some people mistakes his shyness as being rude.

But really this is getting on his nerves. From what he's heard the girl, Sakura, is just like the rest, a fangirl that is. She's not a complete fangirl per se, but she's close enough.

What makes the girl different from the rest is that she wants to become Sasuke's friend first, and then try and become something more. And because of that Itachi approves.

From what he's heard the girl is kind and aspires to become a doctor. She wants to save people and try her best to prevent others from being sad. She wants life to be used to its fullest.

Sasuke's ramblings have started to slow down, thank god.

"Well?" Sasuke mutters. "What should I do, Itachi?"

Why don't you start if by saying hello and then go on from there.

To his not so really surprise, Sasuke comes back to Itachi a week later saying that he said hello to the girl he's been talking about. He's doesn't talk much about Sakura that day, instead opting to tell him about mom and dad and whatever the hell else is going on.

Itachi is happy for Sasuke. He really is. Sasuke's lonely and has finally made a friend that isn't Naruto.

Sasuke comes back every Saturday. And every Saturday, he gives a report on what has happened in the past week. He still talks about that Sakura girl, but not that much. Their relationship is healthy.

Two years later, Sasuke tells him that he's going to ask Sakura to prom.

A week after that, Itachi finds out that Sakura says yes.

They don't go to prom. They ditch it to watch a movie. They begin dating that night.

Seven years after that Sakura graduates. Sasuke asks her to marry him.

She says yes (obviously).

Itachi can't go to the wedding, instead, he hears all about it from Sasuke and his new wife.

Sakura tells Sasuke to get something out of the car. The two of them are left alone.

"Thank you, Itachi," Sakura says. Her eyes shine a bright green and there are tears gathering at the edge of her eyes. "You've done so much for Sasuke."

Sasuke comes back with a small wrapped box in his hand.

Sasuke places it on the ground.

Itachi opens it.

Inside is a tiny card.

I'm pregnant.
If it's a boy he'll be named Itachi.
And if it's a girl Sarada, because I've heard you love that name.

Itachi smiles.

Sakura places the flowers in her hand onto the ground.

She touches his grave and whispers, "Hello, Itachi, it was nice to meet you. We'll see you later."


Written by perfectlyinsane-

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