🌸Criminal - Part 2🌸

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[criminal AU]

"You don't know how to handle a gun, do you?" 

"I learn quickly."

I chuckled nervously as I held the shotgun up and aimed. Upon pulling the trigger, I gasped and the bullet pierced through the target, "ha! Take that!"

Sakura looked at me, rolled her eyes, and studied my success, "you're aware the point is to shoot the center of the target, right? Not the white background..."

"I was aiming for the white, you know." This woman enjoys judging me, doesn't she? Hmph.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today." Sakura started off until I grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, I wanted to figure out a name."

"Hm? A name?"

"Yeah, for our squad."

She blinked a few times, "that sounds so dumb. We're Squad B. That's all we need."

"But... I think this whole thing is just so cool. We should come up with codenames, a team name, a mascot..."

"Listen." Sakura yanked her wrist back and shoved me into the concrete wall behind me, "if you think this is all just a game, why don't you try re-assessing your life and pulling yourself from the dream world? Life isn't a Disney movie, princess. Grow up."

Ouch. I rubbed my chest and watched as she walked further and further from me. Either way, I'm going to come up with a name whether she likes it or not, "oh, by the way."

She stopped.

"I received our first mission assignment." I waved the little notecard in the air as she walked back towards me and grabbed the card from my hand.

"How the heck did you get this before me?!" She muttered under her breath as her eyes rapidly scanned over the words, "alright. Just a regular old artifact robbery. No big."

"Uh, 'no big'?" Clearly, I haven't done anything big with this life of theft I have. I should've taken advantage of that, "a painting from Paris or something?"

"It's some sort of ancient book snatched from a museum." Sakura folded the card and slipped it into her pocket, "let's go."

I shrugged and followed her out of the shooting range, "so where exactly are we going?"

"It's actually here in Konoha."

"I see..." I snickered, "our first mission."

"Yes. Now let's go. I'm not going to waste my time on you."

Without hesitation, Sakura headed to her car and pulled up the received address on her phone.

"You're a pretty stubborn child, aren't you?"

I chuckled softly as she clenched the steering wheel tighter than she already was.

"How dare you have the audacity to call me a child. Not like you're one to talk."

"I know." I agreed with her on that point. I suppose I can call myself a child, but she's no more an adult than I am, "so what is this ancient book?"

"You don't do your research, do you?" Sakura groaned, "it's the Book of Galdur, a book supposedly used in sorcery and magic."

"And we're just going to believe that all that crap is true?"

She glared at me, "a mission's a mission. We're not here to criticize these artifacts, real or not."

"Okay. Whatever." I leaned back in my seat and stared at the car ceiling as our drive lasted fifteen more minutes. Fifteen minutes of awkward silence.

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