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[high school AU, supernatural]

"Have you noticed anything strange about the disappearances?"

"No, sir."

"Nothing out of the ordinary?"

"Listen officer, all I know is that there are kids disappearing and whoever's behind all of these kidnappings needs to be stopped."



It's like routine for her, wake up, get dressed, walk to school with Naruto and Sasuke and hope that she'll pass her drivers test next month.

Unlike some of the parents of the kids she goes to school with, her mom doesn't worry for her. Her mom doesn't spend ten minutes fretting over her every morning telling to be careful as she walks to school. It never seems to happen to her. Her parents don't dote and fret on her like most other parents she sees does. It's not because she's strong. But it's not because she's weak. She's just her.

She knows that Sasuke's parents don't fret that much about his safety, even with the recent kidnappings that have been taking place and frankly, sometimes it seems that Sasuke's parents don't care about him at all. Sakura knows. She sees it in the way that Sasuke's father always seems to be looking for something in his youngest son's expression. Sees it in the way that his mother, Mikoto, dotes on Naruto like a third son, but doesn't do anything of the sort with Sasuke.

Their cold and their distant with their kids, but at the same time the whole family is closer than the threads that make up fabric. Sakura can see it. It's in the way they speak with their eyes. And in the way that they always seem to be there for each other.

Her parents aren't like that with her. She's an only child. And in a way she does get a lot of attention from her parents, not about her safety when it comes to the kidnappings, but about everything else.

Naruto comes to her house at the same time everyday for five times a week. Monday through fridays, there is no break when it comes to Naruto. He's just one loud never ending ball of energy.

Naruto comes and then they meet up with Sasuke at the intersection. Sasuke's quiet, but even more so today and it bothers her. Not because she's nosy but because she cares.

Sasuke's hand is intertwined with her's as always but today is different. It's like he's lost in some other world. He's just staring out ahead lost in space. He's zoning out on them.

She's squeezes his hand and from the corner of her eyes she can see Sasuke begin to smile. It's a little baby smile, barely noticeable but there nonetheless.



"Ms. Haruno, I understand that you're parents aren't here right now and that you don't feel very comfortable, but please you need to tell me what's going on."

"Listen, officer, I know that something strange is going on, but I can't know what to tell you if you don't help me out."

"Alright. Fine. Do you know what an aswang is?"

"A what?"

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