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[Naruto AU, childhood AU]

"Be nice and say hello."

"Who is he, Mama? Is he my new baby brother? He doesn't look like me, though."

"No, of course not. But I want you to be extra nice to him from now on, okay Sweetheart? You two will have to share a room, so can you do that for Mama and Papa?"

"But for how long?"

"For a very long time."

"But why? Where are his parents?"

"It's really complicated, sweetheart. Can you just do that simple thing for us?"

"Yes, Mama."

"Good. We have to go to the Hokage's office for a quick meeting. Do you think you can show him your room? Play with him, he likes playing with blocks."

"Okay, Mama."

"Good girl. We'll be back soon, I promise."

The little girl smiled as her parents walked away. She shut the front door and went back to face the young, obviously scared of his surroundings. She walked up to him and smiled, meeting his gaze, "Hi! My name's Sakura! Sakura Haruno! I'm gonna be your big sister from now on! So, uh, what's your name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

"You're my little brother from now!" Sakura reached out and hugged the scared boy, "so don't worry. We'll have so much fun! I don't know what happened, but I'll never leave you alone, okay?"

The boy didn't say anything. His tense muscles loosened at her embrace as he dropped his head on her shoulder and smiled a small smile, "okay."


~ Six years later ~

"Sakura! Sasuke! Come down for dinner!"

"Mom! We're going to be late if we don't get going!"

"Late for what?"

Sakura ran into the kitchen, "Kakashi-Sensei wanted us to meet up late tonight for a late-night mission, or something."

"I doubt it's a mission." Sasuke followed behind her, "he probably just wanted an excuse to keep us out late again..."

"Don't be such a wuss. I happen to like all these meetings good and bad."

"Well, that's just you. Seeing Naruto every day isn't really my most preferred thing either."

"Ha, Sasuke's just jealous that I like hanging out with Naruto more than him."

"Whatever. I could care less what you two do." Sasuke crossed his arms, "now we're gonna go before Naruto starts his tantrums again."

"Okay, bye kids! Be careful out there!"

Later that night, the mission ended successfully around midnight, which is about the time Sasuke and Sakura returned home. By that time, their parents were asleep, so they headed to their room.

"My parents said they're going to find a new house. Maybe one with another room so we don't have to share anymore."

"Yeah, sure, but..." Sasuke sat on his own bed across from Sakura's, "I've already gotten so used to this."

"I've gotten so used to your snoring, too." Sakura rolled her eyes as she set her weapon pack on her dresser, "what were they thinking?"


"About putting us in the same room when we were little?"

"We were just kids. I barely even remember the day we first met. I feel like we've been living as brother and sister all my life. But when I look at you and our parents... I know I'm not related by blood."

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