SS - Your Dad

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Sebastian Stan

Your dad hated him.

He didn't like the fact he had a car, that he went to an all boy school,

that he smoked and of course that he was your boyfriend.

You knew that it had nothing to do with Sebastian, he was just the first boyfriend

you ever had. But the fact that your dad didn't like him bothered him

to no end. He always tried to make good conversation with him,

but your dad avoided talking to him.

One night you came home late, which normally wouldn't have been a huge problem,

if it wasn't for the fact that you were with Sebastian that night.

He forbade you to see him and you had to stay at home after school.

That was enough for Sebastian.

He waited outside at his car all day long, until your dad left the house to speak

with him and explain the situation.

with him and explain the situation

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