TS!Dad - Break Up #1

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Tony Stark / Iron Man - !Dad

You were sitting in your room, doing your homework, when you suddenly got a text message from your long-term boyfriend.

Hey, I'm sorry Y/N but I'm breaking up with you. I just don't love you anymore and I developed feelings for someone else. We can still be friends tho.

You couldn't believe what you just read. He is breaking up with you? For another girl? But... why?

You hadn't noticed you were crying until someone came into your room. It was your dad.

"Do you want pizza for dinner or maybe something- Y/N are you okay?"

You shook your head. He walked over to you, looking concerned.

"Jackson broke up with me."

"What?", he asked shocked waiting for you to continue talking but you didn't.

He put his arms around you, hugging you tightly and kissing your temple.

He put his arms around you, hugging you tightly and kissing your temple

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"Don't worry love, I'll handle him."

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