SS - Youtuber #2

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Sebastian Stan

(B/N = Baby Name)

The last three weeks were like heaven and hell.

You gave birth to your child and of course it was a wonderful experience but it was also the most exhausting experience at the same time.

Sebastian and you tried your hardest to make the baby happy, but sometimes she/he just wouldn't stop crying and you would try to make her/him fall asleep again, which didn't work most times. It's pretty obvious that you two didn't get much sleep.

Because you were a vlogger you made a lot of videos with your boyfriend about pregnancy and how amazing it was to have a child, but you also shared the bad sides.

"Hey guys", you said after pressing record on your vlogging camera, "after five hours we finally made B/N fall asleep and we have to do some work but we decided to take a nap instead because we're falling asleep. B/N didn't let us sleep a lot last night."

You turned the camera to Seb. "Hey Babe, how is you sleep?"

 "Hey Babe, how is you sleep?"

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