PP - Half Naked #1

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Peter Parker / Spiderman

He made a complete fool of him. Last night he was on patrol as usual, but when he landed in a little side street to change his clothes because he had to go home, he didn't realise someone was watching him from one of the windows.

And not just anyone. It was Y/N! His biggest crush since kindergarden!

He was only in his boxers when he suddenly heard someone whistle and looking up he saw her watching him change. He wanted to say something but he couldn't think of anything good to explain the situation so he just ran.

He told Ned about it and begged him that if she'd ask him where he was, he'd tell her he's at home and sick. Because Peter just couldn't bear talking to her after what happened, and he also couldn't think of a good explanation as to why he was out at night, just in his boxers, running through alleyways. 

He was deep in thought when suddenly he saw her on the other end of the hallway.

He was deep in thought when suddenly he saw her on the other end of the hallway

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"Hey Ned! Wait!", she called walking up to him.

Oh no, Peter thought to himself. "Um, hey Y/N what's up?", Ned asked.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to ask you if you have seen Peter today?"

Ned tensed up which she definitely noticed. "Who, Peter? Nooo, he is um... oh yeah, sick. He is sick. At home. Throwing up and stuff. Really bad. And disgusting. Reeeeally disgusting."

Facepalm... Peter knew Ned was bad at lying. But THIS bad? Come on.

"Oh okay then.", she said quietly and walked away.

Ned came over and looked at him with big eyes. "Dude, she so wanted to ask you out!" "No! She wanted to ask me what I was doing in front of her window at night in nothing but my boxers!"

"Oh yeah... You're probably right."

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