PP - Half Naked #2

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Peter Parker / Spiderman

Peter came home after his usual petrol after school.

He knew Aunt May was home so he had to be quite when entering through the window.

Peter had just pulled down his mask, when suddenly he heard someone gasp behind him.

Peter had just pulled down his mask, when suddenly he heard someone gasp behind him

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He turned around and there was Y/N standing in the hallway. She opened her mouth and was about to shout something, so he quickly put his hand on her mouth, tugged her in his room and closed the door behind them.

"Please, please, please, I'll explain everything but please don't scream. My aunt doesn't know about this and I don't want her to find out.", he whisper-screamed.

Y/N looked him right in his eyes and suddenly he realised how close they were standing to each other and how his hand was still on her mouth. She laid her hand on his and put his hand off of her mouth, not letting go.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, but you have to tell me what this", she laid her finger on the little spider on his chest, "is all about."

He nodded and then frowned. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I heard you were sick and wanted to see how you were.", she said innocently. "You actually believed Ned?" She laughed at how surprised he sounded.

"No, of course not. He is a terrible liar." "But why did you come then?"

"I knew you were hiding something and wanted to know what it is."

He shrugged, "Well, now you know." She scoffed and stepped back.

"Oh no, mister. You promised me to explain everything and that's what you're going to do."

She was obviously thinking about something and bit her lip. "There is a football game on Friday, maybe we could go there together and you can tell me everything there, what do you say?" 

At first he didn't really know what to say.

His biggest crush ever just asked him out! Say something you idiot!

"U-Um y-yeah, um s-sure... if-if that's what you want." He knew he was blushing like crazy but there was no way he could hide it.

A huge smile formed on her face and she leaned forward to peck him on the cheek. Okay, now he was blushing like crazy. He could actually feel his face heating up.

"See you on Friday.", she said and left.

He probably stood there for another five minutes until he was able to move again.

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