TH - Interview

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Tom Holland

Tom was doing press in America for his new movie.

Interviewer: "So Tom, congratulations on your anniversary with your girlfriend Y/N. You've been dating for two years now right?"

Tom nodded smiling.

"So, I got some question from fans that I wanted to ask you real quick, okay?" "Sure.", Tom said.

"What do you admire most about Y/N?"

"Something that really impressed me from the very first time I met her is how smart she is. I can be really dumb sometimes so..."

"So she can teach you a lot.", the interviewer joked and Tom laughed. "Yeah."

"What was your last argument about?"

"Oh, we never really argue. I guess, what comes closest to an argument is when she tells me I am wrong about something and I am certain that I'm right. For example:

And I didn't believe her when she told me that I spelled it wrong so she googled it and I was so upset

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And I didn't believe her when she told me that I spelled it wrong so she googled it and I was so upset. But as I was saying she is really smart so it didn't really surprise me."


Okay, not really happy with this chapter at all but life is a little hectic right now so I apologize.

I also wanted to let you know that this is my only upload for today and I won't upload at all tomorrow because it's New Years and I just wanna spend the whole day with my family and watch Harry Potter movies and do nothing really.

What are you gonna be doing tomorrow? Any plans?

Happy New Years! I love all of you so much and if you need someone to talk to or anything, you can always message me ;)

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