TH (+ RDJ) - Stop Fucking With Me Tom

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Tom Holland + Robert Downey Jr.

Your dad, the famous Robert Downey Jr., always had one rule for you: Don't date an actor.

Why? You didn't really know. He told you it's because actors are all liars and you can't trust a liar. Well, that might be true but you were sure the real reason is that he didn't want you in the spotlight. He was a really protective dad and he knew what it's like to be famous, so he wanted to keep you away from that.

You loved your dad and to keep him happy, you followed this rule all your life. You weren't really into dating anyway.

That was until you met Tom Holland at the Captain America: Civil War premiere in Los Angeles.

You sat next to each other in the cinema and kept talking throughout the whole film, much to the annoyance of others. But you didn't care.

You just loved talking to him. He was such a lovely guy and funny, oh my was he funny.

So of course you kept in contact after the premiere. Talking over FaceTime almost everyday, sending pictures over Snapchat or actually meeting in real life.

He was just great and you slowly fell in love with him.

After a couple of months you were "officially" dating, and by "official" you mean: Harrison and your best friend knew. That was it.

Tom wanted to tell everyone but you begged him to wait until you'd spoken to your dad. You planned out the whole conversation to make sure you wouldn't make any mistakes. You wanted him to like Tom, well you knew he liked him but you wanted him to like him as his daughters boyfriend. And you weren't so sure about that.

But unfortunately it never came to the planned conversation at the dinner table, because on that day he got there first.

He approached Tom in-between takes for the new Spiderman movie on which they were working on together.

"Okay, tell me. Are you dating my daughter?", he just bluntly asked out of nowhere.

"Um...", he knew you hadn't talked to him yet and he promised to keep quite, "Y/N? No, w-we're just friends."

"I don't wanna hear this bullshit just tell me

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"I don't wanna hear this bullshit just tell me."

"Um, well yes. But Y/N wanted to speak with you tonight and explain everything. I know that you didn't want her to date an actor and stuff but I just couldn't help but fall for her the first time I met her. She is amazing and I couldn't imagine not being with her. I don't want to disrespect you in anyway but I don't want her to follow your rule because I don't want to lose her and-"

"Tom, can you shut up for a second?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"There are reasons why I didn't want her to date an actor and I really don't like the fact that she is, but I also want her to be happy and when that means she has to break the rule than so be it."

Tom looked at him surprised.

"T-Thank you so much." "It's okay kid. I know she was planning to tell me tonight but now that we got that out of way, why don't you come around so you can tell me how long this has been going on for."


"Back to work.", your dad said and Tom got back into his role.

But the fact that your dad finally knew and was okay with your relationship made him so excited he struggled to concentrate. 

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